
When should I get my baby up inthe morning?

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Should I get my 3 month old up when he starts to stir, whimper or cry? Example... He will start to stir at 6:30am then whimper at 6:40 and then cry at 6:50? When is the best time to pick him up to feed him?




  1. when he starts to stir you could get him up and change his nappy, then he will nice and comfortable ready for a feed. dont let him get to a full on cry, you know he is hungry so get to him before the crying starts.

  2. I think it's better to get him up before he gets all upset.  While my daughter is stirring I get up and get her bottle ready.  

  3. I would get up myself at 6.30am and open the curtains, go to the bathroom etc and then pick him up just before he starts to whimper. Then you can feed him a lot more comfortably.  

  4. With a 3 month old I'd get him up when he starts to stir and whimper.  Crying is a late hunger cue so I'd do the diaper change and then feed ASAP.

    As they get older you can leave them alone more in the morning.  My twins wake up and play in their cribs for like 10 minutes every morning but they're 14 months old.

  5. I agree with the others. I don't believe in letting my 10.5 month old daughter cry for any reason, unless I absolutely have to (i.e., put her down to go to the bathroom). Now, she doesn't always cry when she wakes up. This morning at 4:11 I woke up and I don't know if it was because I had to go to the bathroom, or because I just heard her stirring. (We sleep in the same room. We started that when she was born, but since moving in with my in-laws [my husband earned his master's but doesn't have a church yet] When I got up to get her, she was laughing. However, by the time my husband changed her diaper she was crying. So we settled down in our chair and she nursed for an hour. Yesterday evening was not good, in a nutshell, and I wonder if her waking up in the night had something to do with that. (Shortly, I was not happy with her when she refused a diaper change and spent part of the evening with my MIL.) Eh.

    It's almost nine and she's still sleeping. I got up at quarter after seven because I had to get up and go to the bathroom and I thought I should get up and eat so I'd be fed by the time she gets up.

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