
When should I get my senior pictures taken?

by Guest10862  |  earlier

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We have to have them turned in right before our christmas break.

I don't really know how long it takes for the pictures to come back. And I would like to get them taken in the fall, but they don't have to be.

So what month should they be taken in?




  1. I had mine taken I think towards the end of the June of the summer before Senior year.

  2. The reason why you need times for yours senior picture because they need times to put them in the yearbook for the spring.

  3. what?  b4 xmas break? you mean senior pic's

    for next school year?  if so don't sweat it, your

    school will let you know.  You'll get a packet from

    the school photographer place, then you call &

    make the appt.  The pic you have to choose first

    is your yearbook one, then the other selections are

    up to you.  You generally want them ready b4

    graduation time (which is June where i am)

  4. i am having mine taken this week and i am still a junior, but it probably depends on who is taking the picture ask the photographer or business for the best info on getting the pictures  back

  5. need a good photographer? I know one. October sounds best.

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