
When should I go to bed?

by Guest63376  |  earlier

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I have a big meeting tomorrow at 2pm, and we still need to do lots of work to get ready. But it's also been a horrendous week already getting ready, and I'm really exhausted. How do I find the right trade-off between working and sleeping?




  1. Do what you think is the most important, then climb in bed in the most comfortable position and snore. Snore I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Go to sleep or ur work will suffer, just get up early

  3. Night night. Sleep well. NOW

  4. 12 am

  5. Zarn for all we know, you may be a City Whizz Kid on a huge salary but working every hour under the sun for it.

    The most precious thing that you will EVER own is good health. Not the big house, not the Porsche, not the Gold Rolex!

    We all have a natural sleep need, for some people such as me, that it a little over 5 hours. After that, I awaken naturally fully refreshed. My wifes one is nearer 10 hours, my 16 year old son has the 'traditional' 8 hours.

    If your work requires long hours under intense concentration it is absolutely essential that you obtain your natural level of sleep. If you do not, you get progressively more tired and start running on reserves. keep it up and one day either your brain or your body suddenly shuts up shop as a safeguard. It could happen half way through a meeting or at 80mph down the M25.

    If the demands of your job do not let you get the sleep that you need, change jobs!  NO job is worth ruining your health for.

  6. Go to bed now !

    They say if you go to bed BEFORE midnight, you'll get a good night sleep, if you go AFTER midnight, then it'll be inturupted (sp lol)

    Good luck though x

  7. the early bird gets the worm

    so get to bed as soon as you can..get at least 8-9 hours!! he more the better.

  8. if youre in the uk then go to bed now

  9. If you're old enough to have a job with a big meeting tomorrow... then I think you're old enough to decide when to go to bed.

  10. The regular time to get to sleep is 8 hours before you are supposed to wake up. Give yourself enough time to prepare yourself for the meeting so you aren't rushed (late for traffic, forgetting things). Just go in. Think positive. And you'll do fine.

  11. Well I find that the less time you spend on the computer asking a bunch of strangers stupid questions that they really don't have enough information to answer properly, the more time you will have to work and hence you'll be finished quicker and can get to bed ;)

  12. You have to get enough sleep or you can't do a good job...I am sure your employer would feel the same way... 8 hours at least

  13. whenever, u think u should! duh

  14. Right now its past your bed time!

  15. Make sure to set aside at least 6-8 hours of sleep for yourself no matter what! Sleep is VERY important. You work will lack if you lose out on sleep! GL! :)

  16. now!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Sleep slightly less that what you normally do, but close to your normal time. You don't want to though off your body clock and be groggy the next day.

  18. you need to get off from the computer and go to bed.

  19. By looking for another job.

  20. Go to sleep now. You'll work better once you're rested.

  21. Go to bed. You'll get more work done when you are rested than when trying to do it when your tired, and that's the time you make mistakes. Goodnight

  22. get off the computer and go to bed

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