
When should I have an Angiomyolipoma Renal Tumor removed? Now or wait?

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I have a tumor that is 1.4cm. I have been told I can have it removed now or wait until it is about 3cm.

Any suggestions?

I was also told that my particular tumor is cancer.




  1. Has it been biopsied and definitely shown to be cancerous?

    In any event, I would have it removed ASAP. Once it is removed, they can check more areas of the tumor for cancerous cells (while you are still in the operating room) and, if necessary, remove any adjacent lymph nodes and tissues to check for further spread.

    Get it done!!!  NOW !!!

  2. hi, i would get a second opinion based on information i researched from "THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF" these types of tumors are said to be aggressive it also should be strictly be based on your feelings .  please also take into consideration of how fast it is growing. i wish you the best and pray that the end result will be in your best of interest...........bless you

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