
When should I have my next Child?

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I'm 21 yrs. old my husband is 33, we have a 20 month old boy and I don't know if we should have one by next year or if we should wait a few years, he doesn't want to be old when his kids grow and doesn't want any kids after 36!




  1. My friend got pregnant with her second child when her first was only 7 months old. I've heard of people being pregnant when they go for their 6 wk check up.

    It's when you're ready to handle another baby. I have heard though, that it is best to wait 1 year to have another child (mind you, I have only heard this, I have not researched it or nothing) because it can cause some birth defects in the first child. I'm not 100% sure this is true or not, but your baby is 20 months old, so I think you're fine.

    But really, you are the only one who can answer that question. Good luck!

  2. The closer they are together hopefully the better they will get along my kids are 9,8,7,5,2, and 1 and I wouldnt have it any other way.  As much as they are a handfull if you look at the other way besides having 2 babies they will be close in age so they should be close  and play togetjer no problem god willing ;-) Also you can look at it as when they are grown up you will still be pretty young and have plenty of time to live it up then. Good luck with whatever you decide and enjoy them while they are young they grow up way to fast

  3. Wait a little bit, and enjoy your life, you are to Young!!

  4. Go ahead and try now that should be a good distance, but just a note for you little girls are great and you are really missing out if you dont have/ or want one

  5. Alright, so I don't have any kids, but from experience of sibblings and friend's sibblings, its best to spread the kids out. DO NOT have them within a couple of years (1-2)... spread them out about 3-5 years. I understand you don't have the time, but don't make the mistake my parents did and have kids a year and a half apart. I hated it. The 2 kids are thought of as more as one, instead of two seperate people. The younger one absolutely is thrilled, but to the older one its a living h**l. Yes, I was the older one. When the older one is about 4 years older, they have a better relationship in their teen years, instead of the constant bickering i have with my sister. Hope it helps :) Good Luck, too!

  6. Im so glad Im not the only one out there who is with an older man! Im 23 and my fiancee is 34 and I am in the same boat as you. If you only want one more I would say you have a few more years until hes done having children. From what I hear kids tend to get along better if they are really close together (like a year apart) or if they have quite a few years apart. In this case maybe like 4 years apart? So maybe when your little boy is like 3 start trying?That will give you a couple years to ttc.Good luck!

  7. it will be perfect time now to try to have another that way you will have 2 kids who aren't far apart in age and will have more in common

  8. You can go ahead and try now! Your son is almost two so by the time the baby comes, your son will be 3!

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