
When should I isolate a female guppy for birthing? Need answer immediatly.?

by Guest33715  |  earlier

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I'm new to the guppy breeding world and have two females who look like they could give birth any second but I don't want them in iso. any longer then they have to be, does they're behavior change when they're about to give birth?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!




  1. I raise guppies to,I have over a thousand of them...

    I never remove the females,I have a lot of plants in there to though,but guppies don`t usually eat their babies..

    You`ll see the female hiding usually at the top some where when she`s about ready.

  2. When they look like they're about to pop and you can see little black dots in the spot on their belly, put them in isolation.  

  3. yes

    by a breeding net, which isolates the babies and mother , yet keeping them in the same tank.  Its a little netted box, and once she's given birth, take the mother out because she will eat her babies!

    I've never actually been there while they were supposed to give birth, i'd just come home and see a bunch of babies in there.  then i place the breeding net on the side of the tank and chase the little babies around with my regular net, placing them in the breeders net.


  4. If you move her so close to her birth then she will only get stressed out. Like he 1,000 guppy answerer said, you only need alot of plants for the fry to hide in and then you dont have to worry about removing the female. I have live bearers too (mollies) I have lost of small leaved plants for the fry to hide in like Hornwort and Anacharis I havent lost any babies yet, there are about 15 fry swimming around in there:)

  5. Hello to the birthing of guppies. When guppies are about to give birth you will obviously see there BIG tummy. They will begin to move more slowly and may stay at the bottom of the tank more often resting. They may not eat and my also seem kinda restless. If you notice any different behavior in the mother to be take that as a sign that they are ready to give birth. I would take them out NOW or you could also get a birthing cage that stays in the tank but separate from the other fish who get hungry and decide to munch on the little ones for lunch.

    Just the other day I had a platy who was VERY VERY pregnant. Platy's give birth the same way as guppies. And I've had a lot of guppies myself through the years. It's really fun to watch those babies grow. Anyway, my daughter and I were looking in the fish tank and noticed that the mama platy was a lot smaller. As we watched we saw her give birth. It was really cool.

    Good Luck with your guppy raising. Just remember, any behavior change is a sign that the birthing process will begin soon.


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