My daughter is 16 months old and seems to HATE her crib. It's become a real fight laying her down in it. She always went to sleep really easy and lately about the last month we fight with her about 3-4 times a week for her to sleep in her crib. She will sleep anywhere else or lay anywhere else besides her crib. I tried an experient, I knew she was tired so I tried to put her in her crib, she screamed and through a huge fit, so I took her out and layed her on the floor. She grabbed her blanket and rolled over to go to sleep. She will sleep anywhere else I put her besides her crib. I feel she is to young to move her to a toddler bed and I worry about her getting out of bed at night on her own.She does play quite a bit in her crib and she moves a ton in her sleep. I'm not sure what to do. Any advice would be very helpful!