
When should I put my girls together in the same room?

by  |  earlier

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We're expecting our third in december. My oldest daughter is 4 1/2, and the little one is almost 2 (in september). I really want to put them together now, but wondering if we should wait till closer to the due date.




  1. My boys have shared a room since birth (with an exception of about 3 months about 2 years ago). That short period of time they had their own rooms they didn't sleep well and just didnt' seem the same. I think it's good to keep them together, especially when they are so close in age. Mine are 5 1/2 and 4

  2. really, it's all up to you and when you want to start working  on the room to make it the baby's. The girls will be fine if you put them together now... and they will be fine if they are to wait longer. It all just depends on your own wants and feelings.

  3. do it now so they get used to being together and the younger one also gets used to not being the center of you attention anymore.

  4. i would put them together now, but make sure that you include them in the process that way it gives them timeto adjust b4 bub comes as it will be a very busy time :) let them do little things like choosing where thier beds go and helpg more thier toys and blankets they will be alot more happier to share that way :) but yeh the sooner the better so they get into a routine b4 yoru new bundle of joy comes :)

  5. It doesnt matter if they get along then theres nothing wrong with putting them in the room together.

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