
When should I remove my Betta from my fish pond?

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I live in GA and it's still pretty warm here. How cold of water can they tolerate? It does freeze here over the winter so I need him out by then, but he really likes it in there and I want to let him be for a while longer. When should I move him indoors? The pond is 600 gallons, with live plants, goldfish and guppies (which I need to remove by winter, also).




  1. Your betta probably shouldn't be in a pond with goldfish, since they're really incompatible.  Also, if your goldfish are big enough they'll try to eat him (and your guppies too.)

    Bettas need water temps of 75 to 80, but I'd take him out before it gets cooler and put him in his own tank so he doesn't have to live with the goldfish anymore.

  2. Betta's need steady temperatures that are between 77-82 degrees. They don't handle change all that well so when you do move him, acclimate him slowly and use the drip system. You can even bring in some live plants for him to swim/play in.

    Drip acclimation example:

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