
When should I start applying for a Law Enforcement job?

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I'm a college senior graduating in May 2009 with a bachelors degree in Accounting. I am interested in a career in law enforcement, whether it be locally, state, or federal. FBI sounds very interesting as well, my professor for my Forensic Accounting class was an agent. I was wondering when I should start applying for jobs, and where it is easiest to get hired so I can get my feet wet in the field and start my career? I wouldn't mind moving to another state, as long as there was a job for me. Could anyone help?




  1. I would say that as long as your 20 1/2 and will be 21 by the time of hire then you should be ok, i would go for the police dept. if you put in two years in an agency it's easier to get on with another department because you have experience and they hire within as long as you have a good record. Then you'll get a better feel for what your wanting to do. You can call them and they will tell you exactly what you need. Good luck!

  2. If I were you, I would go to the personnel office of whichever law enforcement agency you choose the same week you graduate college, as long as you're 21 by then.  If not 21 upon graduation, go the day you are 21.  The younger you are, the better shape (presumably) that you will be in.  This is taken into account with all agencies.  Some of the Federal agencies are in need of agents with your specific type of education and knowledge.  There are openings for agents in the accounting bureaus of some agencies, say with the F.B.I. for instance, just as there are openings for field agents.  Think on that for a while.  Use your specific education and knowledge AND be a law enforcement agent.  Retirement at a fairly young age is also a benefit of law enforcement.  The money is traditionally low in law enforcement, as compared to others fields of endeavor. If you truly like it or even love it, then the money isn't the primary driving force anyway.  If money is primary forget law enforcement and go for a career in accounting with some corporation.  That's where some of the big bucks are.

    I speak from 25 years experience in law enforcement.

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