
When should I start gymnastics?

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I am currently 10 years old and I really want to do gymnastics. Do you think I should do it now? I am going to be 11 in november so I don't know. Please I really want to know if I am too old are not beause most people start at like 2 -6 and all




  1. you should deff do it now... it's not too late. your still growing so it will be easier for you than if you were 14 or 15 years old.. I started when i was 3 and stopped when u was 10. I started when I was 14 and im 15 now and i had to start from the beginning and it wasnt that hard for me... so just go for it. don't listen to people when they say you're too young.

  2. You can always try and see what happens.

  3. its not to late have fun

  4. You're really too late to be competetive since most gymnasts are done competing by the age of 18.  If you want to train for health, then go for it!

  5. Your never to old to start anything but dont do it do diving or something else like swimming its gymnastics stuffs up your growing.

  6. Age is a flexible thing and different for each individual. In Beijing there was a gymnast who was 33 years old! Alicia Sacramone started when she was 8/9.

    A lot of people will tell you that you're to old for competition but if you're willing to dedicate to the art then you should have no problem. Start now if its something you really want to do, and don't wait because time is limited to when you start puberty.

  7. mr tasty is very creepy sweetie...stay away from guys and old hags like that.

    i just started ballet which you normally start at a very young age and im 18 and my teacher so i was a natural so maybe you will be too! you should go for the gold!

  8. if your dedicated and really interested then just start now, your only 10, you have plenty of life ahead of you, just do it not and stop waiting for anything.

  9. Too old if you wish to join any international competition but not too late to do it for fun.

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