
When should I start packing baby bags for delivery day??

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I'm 36 wks pregnant do u think I should start packin bags now?? Thanks in advance for advice :-))




  1. I would have a bag ready just incase.  It's hard to pack your toiletries ahead of time, so I would suggest buying travel size things.  They're also easy to pack!  Good luck!

  2. I would definitely pack the bag. Cause you never know when you could go into labor! My first was early and my second was late!!!!!!!!

  3. whenever you want if now makes you happy do it now. it's better if you do it now though better safe than sorry

    boy or girl?

    good luck and congrads to you

  4. yes!!! start now and start to plan what you want to take how much you want to take and different size clothing in case the baby is small and some big in case the baby is big.

  5. I would say to go ahead and pack now! I didn't have ANYTHING at all packed when I went into labor. I just kept putting it off thinking it would be silly to go ahead and pack. I was going to wait until I was at least 38 weeks, but I went into labor at 37 weeks 5 days =/.  It's always better to be prepared. My hubby didn't do the best job of going back and packing the things I needed. Good Luck!

  6. I am 33 weeks and am just starting to collect the things that need to go into the bag, like pads, nursing pads, nursing bras, etc. I think its about time you should start to pack because really you are full term next week. Good luck!

  7. Yeah just in case. Im going to pack mine at 36 weeks. You could go 2 weeks before or after.

  8. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes, now would be a great time to pack a suitcase with everything you will need and keep it by the door ready and handy.  

  10. i'm 38 weeks and when i was 36 weeks my bags still weren't packed but my called me and freaked me out saying she had a premonition and a dream that i went into labor so yeah after that i had them packed and ready to go lol, so i would say by 36 weeks would be the safe way to go

  11. i would pack now. i think i packed at like 34weeks. that was i was ready! had everythin in car and all!

    good luck


    CONGRATS on your new buddle of joy to arrive soon:)

  12. You could start getting them ready now if you wanted to. I didn't pack any of my bags until my contractions started. One thing that I took to the hospital with #'s 2, 3 and 4 was shower gel and a shower puff. It made me feel so refreshed when I finally got that shower after delivery. Good luck!

  13. Yes I would.. I always had mine packed weeks before due date because I couldn't

  14. Pack now just in case anything does happen.

  15. They advise women to pack their bags for the hospital 4 weeks before their due date, just in case she goes into labor sooner than thought. Remember technically your baby is full term at 37 weeks even though your due date is set at 40 weeks.

  16. Yes, I'd pack a bag now.

    We got a bag packed at 30 weeks. It seems early but as we're having twins, they may have come very early.

  17. Pack now.

    You're almost full term.

    Better to be safe than sorry.

    Better to have them sitting around for another 5 weeks then end up going early and not having things you wanted.

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