
When should I start potty training?

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My daughter is 14 months old, when would be a good time to potty train her?




  1. when  she  is   2and  a half  

  2. i would not start potty training her until after she turns 2 years old. 14 months is to young.  

  3. The best time is when she shows interest. When she does do not use pull ups. It just as absorbent as a diaper, which defeats the purpose.

  4. When she shows readiness....doesn't like diapers, shows interest in the potty.

    People say around 2 is a good time to start. Some aren't ready until later. The average time for potty training is 8 months. It took me about that with both of my boys. Both my guys were not trained until 3. They say girls are ready earlier, but I still know a few who didn't train until 3. It's really about bladder readiness too on a physical level, not just a psychological or emotional issue. Some toddlers just don't have a big enough bladder to hold their urine in for long periods.

  5. Most girls start potty training around 2 1/2 years of age. If she shows signs of wanting to use the potty sooner, than there is no problem with trying. Here are some really good tips from my site to try.

    1. Try encouraging your child with a reward. Every time they can go to the potty without wetting their pants, they get a treat (candy, toy, etc…). I tried this with my nephew and he definitely loved it. He was so excited to show me he went potty all by himself. It may take a few tries before they get the hang of it but once they do it’s all uphill from there.

    2. Use a prop for your child. One of my favorites that I use with Jacqueline is the potty undies. We picked a pair of undies that has a cartoon character she loves (in this case strawberry shortcake) and I tell her, “Make sure you don’t get Strawberry all wet. She doesn’t like that very much.” So now when she goes potty she finds me afterwards to show me Strawberry is still dry.

    The main idea is to entertain the child and make it seem like going potty is a game. Children hate work and love fun, so why not make potty time fun for them. Trust me your child will absolutely love one of the top two ideas. Good Luck!


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