
When should I step in to a child's argument with another child?

by  |  earlier

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My 4-year-old has a friend over right now, and they're playing together, but keep bickering about toys and things.

I've stepped in a couple of times already and told my daughter she has to share her stuff. They keep arguing over toys and over what game to play.

Should I keep stepping in and telling them how to play nicely, or just observe and let them work it out themselves?




  1. I agree with Ic...even though you do want children to learn to work things out on their own...the key word is "LEARN", and at the age of 4, they still need to be taught how to play with each other.  Once they are taught how to act, then you can leave them alone...but right now, they are pretty much clueless.

  2. i would only step in if its starts getting physical

  3. It is your job as a parent to supervise their behaviour. It may be they just need some interaction sometimes.

    At 4 years old they need direction on how to relate feelings and anger.

    Yes I agree with letting them solve it themselves, but remember they are only four and you are the best model they can have.

    Don't give up........ you'll see results when they go to school and have to deal with others that may not have the best manners.

    Good Luck

  4. Unless they are screaming or beating the heck out of each other, I would let them work it out themselves.....This is a vital time for children to start learning conflict resolution.

  5. I'd figure out who is starting it and put them in a 5 minute cool down time out.

  6. when things get physical

  7. step in because if you dont their friendship might be ruined. just play with them.

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