
When should I take HPT? I need a little help please.?

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Sorry if this is a little long...I've had a very confusing cycle. My husband and I are TCC, I stopped taking BC in Feb. 08 and I am on CD 75. I did go to the dr. everything is normal I'm just irregular because of the pill getting out of my system.

I got positive OPKs on 7/12, 7/13, 7/14 and we bd around that time. Now this week I had brown spotting (TMI I know) 7/21, 7/22, 7/23 in the morning for half an hour each morning only. Now last night I had terrible PMS like cramps. Which I normally get after I start my period. I don't know when I should start my period so I have no idea when to test to see if I am pregnant or not.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

****baby dust to all***




  1. I would suggest taking the test in one week. If it comes back postive CONGRATULATIONS!!!! If it comes back negative wait another week and take it again. If it comes back postive, see above, if it comes back negative or if you start your period, just keep trying. And remember that the second you stop trying you will get pregnant.

  2. If you BD the 12,13,14 then I would at least wait until next week before testing...maybe monday.  Hopefully by then IF you are pregnant then there will be enough hormone level there to show positive.  IF you were having normal cycles then my sisters (both nurses) told me that you should wait until one week AFTER your missed period before testing just to make sure the results are accurate.  If you test and it's negative then wait a few more days and test again.  If at that point still a negative, and no period then I would go to the doc. and have a blood test done.  GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. I would wait until the end of the month to test.  About two weeks after possible conception is generally a good time to check.  Cramping in early pregnancy is normal, so it's hard to say if that's what you were feeling or not.  Good luck and I hope you get your positive!

  4. I honestly think that you can take it as long as you are not currently bleeding.  As long as you have stopped I would take it.  It would be best to take it before you get your period, because if you are indeed pregnant then you most likely want to know before you get your next period.  Especially because if it is delayed a couple of days or is really light (like you described for the three days) that means you most likely have a little one on the way!

    Best of luck to you and your husband =)

  5. no

  6. I think you should wait a few more weeks. Hope it works out for you! I stopped my BC so my husband and I can start trying and I haven't had a period yet! Booo.. Two months now...  I'll take some of that baby dust thank you hahaha. Good luck!!!!!

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