
When should I take SAT Prep?

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Okay, so I'm going into my Sophomore (10th) year in high school and i haven't started any SAT Prep or taken a PSAT. When should I take the PSAT and start SAT Prep?

Do you have any recommendations for SAT Prep programs? I'm planning on getting into a UC fwi.

Also, how are the hours in SAT Prep classes worked out? (time of the week, etc) because I need to know when I can fit it in.

Please share with my your knowledge XD




  1. Most students take the PSAT as juniors but if possible I would recommend you take it both as a sophomore and junior for the extra practice. That way you will get a feel for the test a year earlier than most other students. As for SAT Prep, if you are worried about scheduling conflicts, then you may just want to take this in the summer before your junior year. Some good prep programs are Princeton Review and Kaplan's. There are also many local SAT prep programs which you could find out from your counselors or older students.

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