
When should I tell my Father I'm pregnant?

by Guest32019  |  earlier

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I'm seventeen and about two weeks pregnant.I'm taking tests every few days and they all come back +...

My parents are separated.My mother in fact is in a whole other country with her boyfriend on vacation.We aren't one bit close more like enemies so I have no female in my family to turn too. My Father is now my legal guardian until I turn eighteen in about 6 months. I'm not close to him and my family( at least most) thinks I'm a virgin.He hasn't even met my boyfriend.

My Father is 58 and just took out over $100,000 for our new house, has more bills like my sister's university and divorce settlements yet to come.It's killing me how much this is going to hurt him. I have every intention of keeping the baby for as long as I can, but how can I possibly tell him? And when? What should I say? How do I go abut it? Please help..




  1. tell hi he may be better about it than you think it may bring youu closer

  2. You can't be two weeks pregnant. Pregnancy basically starts after 2 weeks.  I'm not going to explain it.  Just tell him.  The sooner the better.  Sit him down and spit it out or else write a note.  It'll be hard but once it's over with you'll feel so much better.

  3. You were grown up enough to make the baby, be grown enough to figure out how to tell daddy on your own.

    A good start would be telling him that you won't ask him for anything since you made the choice to have s*x. Ya know....if it's killing you so bad.

    Tell him he will not be asked to buy anything for the baby, any of your maternity care, any supplies, since this was your doing and not his.

  4. Tell him now, but not without a plan of what you're going to do.  Decide whether you'll have an abortion, give the baby up for adoption, or keep the baby.

    When you have a plan, tell him.  Ask him to not be angry because anger will not change the situation.  Tell him he has every right to be scared or disappointed.  Then tell him your plan and ask for his help, love, and understanding.  Likely you won''t turn out to have a wonderful happy ending like Juno McGuff, but at least he'll be more apt to help you with whatever you choose if you have an adult reaction to telling him.  Try to keep from yelling at him or starting or getting into a verbal fight.

    Good luck, and remember that keeping a child that will make your life even harder than it is not the only choice you have.  Adoption and abortion are normal and are not anything to be ashamed of investigating.

  5. Hide it.  Just wear baggy clothes, and you're in luck, winter is coming.  You wont even begin to show for a few more months.  By the time you have a child, you'll be an adult.

  6. 2 weeks pregnant? That's not even pregnant. That's just about the time when the fertilization MIGHT occur. How can you know that that's happening? There's no way until you miss your period. Wait until that happens and then check to see if you're pregnant.

  7. you tell him so that he could help you and your baby......never abort the baby.....maybe your boyfriend's family could help you.....he will be angry but not for long.......when he sees the baby he will be happy and proud to be a should tell him tonight.....don't worry it works i watch a lot of movies (the secret life of the american teenager)...just tell him so that you don't have to worry....

  8. Tell him sooner is better then later. The later you wait the more it's going to hurt.

    Tell him when he is in the best mood.

    Dad, I made a mistake and I had s*x with a guy I'm in love with and now, I'm pregnant. And apologize.

    Just say Dad, we need ot talk.

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