
When should I test? Trying to concieve

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We have been TTC since Apr 2008, had my first proper period on 16th July 2008 but do not know when I am due on again to be able to test for pregnancy.




  1. I would go by Aug 16th, just test if it doesn't come by then.

  2. Well you didn't give a whole lot of information to go on. You should have some idea as to how long your cycles usually are. If not, then I would wait at least 35 days. That would take you till around the 20th. If your cycles are somewhat normal, you should be fertile around this time. Look for signs like watery or egg white cervical mucus. You should see it when you wipe. It will give you some indication as to when you are fertile.

    Best of luck!

  3. mine was on the 17th and my chart says i can test from the 8th if not then my next period is terribly to be on the 12th

    Im just praying that it wont come

  4. my doctor told me if you have irregular periods test 19 days after intercourse, or i would wait till around the 13th aug as that would be like a 28 day cycle good luck  

  5. I would wait until the 8th at least to test. It needs to be 28 days  or longer to get a positive if you are pregnant. Good luck to you!

  6. around the 13th

  7. For this month - I suggest waiting until August 20th to test.  My last normal menstrual period started 14 July and my chart tells me to test on 18 August.

    For the future - It sounds like you have long and/or irregular cycles so you might benefit from charting your basal body temperature to pinpoint ovulation, and know when to test.  Check out

    Best of luck on ttc and your upcoming wedding.  How exciting!  

  8. It all depends on how long your cycle is, you are supposed to wait until you period is a few days late before testing, I would suggest testing round about 18th Aug.

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