
When should I use an OPK?

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What day of my cycle should I begin using an OPK? My GYN said she usually says to start on day 11. So, how long do I use them if I keep getting a negative? Also, I've heard to use it on the first pee of the day. Is this correct?




  1. "LH rise begins early in the morning while you are sleeping and it takes 4-6 hours for it to appear in your urine after that.  For this reason, first morning urine may not give the best result.  Testing mid-day is usually recommended."

    Hope this helps!

  2. yes most women use it on the first pee of the day although some do it in the afternoon so it shouldn't make a big difference, depending on how long your cycles are you should test from day 11 through day 18...

    you can find more info about this and ask doctors online for free, and find others going through this, try

    good luck!!

  3. i would say day 10-18 but if u have enough opk then do day 10-20 as i got a pos result on day 19 of my cycle hth, with the norm average bein cd14 x

  4. it depends on your cycle. I have a longer cycle, so I would start on day 11 like your gyno said. Keep testing until you get a positive, I didn't ovulate until day 18 actually. And DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT!! Test with first morning urine!!! You only do that with pregnancy tests. The best time to test is between 10 and 2, or all the way until like 6 at night. Go to and order tests from them (you can order a kit of ovulation tests, and they come with like 15 free pregnancy tests!). It's SO much cheaper, and just as effective-plus speedy delivery! Good luck!

  5. Depending on the length of your cycles, you will want to start the OPK's on day 10 or 11.  I have 30-31 day cycles and always started testing around day 12.  I would usually get a positive OPK on day 16 or so.  

    Its best to use your first morning usrine as it is the most concentrated.

    I highly recommend the Clearblue Fertility Monitor (I used i and on my second cycle I conceived).  I was never able to accurately time my LH surge with OPK's.  The lines never got as dark as they should and I just ended up frustrated (And not pregnant!)

    The clearblue monitor is a bit pricey, but overall its worth every cent!!  And you can get them for a decent price on Ebay

    Best of luck to you!

  6. You can use it on cycle day 11, all depends really. have you been to yet? that site is free, and amazing, it will teach you all about recording your temperatures, so you will know around the time you ovulate.

    *Buy a basal Body thermometer

    *Learn how to record your temps (fertility friend does this for you).

    *check for fertile cervical mucus, the clear, egg white, stretchy discharge is the most fertile, and you should make love every time you see this, however not all woman make this, so even Watery discharge is considered fertile.

    *Take a prenatal pill or multivitamin everyday to make your body it's healthiest.

    * I recommend the book the book "Taking Charge of Your fertility" thousands of woman swear by this book.

    By reading this book, i learned so much about my body, my fertility and fell pregnant w/ baby # 3 after only three months of trying.  years ago, it took us 19 months of trying randomly.

    Personally, i stopped using OPK's because they only stressed me out and were expensive. We kind of stopped "trying" the last month and just used my natural fertility signs to time intercourse. We had dinner, drinks (although I'd watch the alcohol intake, as it was very moderate), we relaxed, and enjoyed s*x, sure enough it happened.

    After love making, theres no need to hang upside down or put your legs against the wall, positions honestly don't make a huge difference either, as long as you stay in bed with a pillow or two under your hips for thirty minutes you'll be fine. Make this as natural as possible.

    My last bit of advise, Don't talk about it constantly, in fact try not to bring it up a whole lot, this will take the stress off of him, and you too. &  NEVER SAY TO YOUR PARTNER RIGHT BEFORE s*x: "ok, it;s time, I'm ovulating" That is a real mood killer and believe it or not, it may cause him to ejaculate less if he's not that into it!!! You want him to preform at his best, and have a good ejaculation.

    Good LucK and happy baby dancing!!! Remember relax, and enjoy your selfs, it will happen!!!  

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