
When should a Kid change to men's golf clubs?

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When should a Kid change to men's golf clubs?




  1. Its all about size. When i started i was 12 and i used mens clubs but some of my freinds my age still used junior clubs. I think you should try them both out at the store and see what feels better. Also if you are in between and cant decide what one to get, then get the mens clubs because you'll grow into them.

    Really though i think the junior clubs are mostly for younger kids.

  2. Two things to consider here:

    1) Obviously a kid has to be tall enough to play a men's set.  Lets say 5'7" or taller.  But that's really no big deal

    2) More importantly, a kid has to be strong enough to put some flex in the shafts and hit the ball.  I wouldn't figure that a 12-year-old can produce a swing speed to take advantage of stiff or X-stiff shafts, but I could be wrong.  

    The club itself is dependent on the golfer.  If the kid is a player, then there's no reason why he /she can't take advantage of higher-end clubs.  

    When I was 12, I asked my dad for some new clubs.  He said, "here you go", and gave me his Haig-Ultra blades.  I was happy as h**l to get them, but couldn't hit them to save my life.

  3. when they out grow them, i use 2 have a snoopy driver till i was 7 lol, the avrage age is about...i want 2 say...11ish.... its a guess, ut i started when i was 9 *i was a big kid lol*

  4. If you're talking about size, it's when they get tall enough. if you're talking about the brands, it's when they're good enough or when they've really made a commitment to the game.

    There's really not much of a difference between kids clubs and "cheapo" mens clubs. The real difference comes in the weight. "kids" clubs tend to be a little lighter so they can swing them. I think if the child in question is strong enough for real clubs and they've made a commitment to the game, then run with it. If not, stick with the cheapstuff until they decide its not the flavor of the month.

  5. When he is big enough and strong enough to swing the club properly rather than having the club swing the kid. All too often a lad will use clubs which are too long and too heavy so that they never develop a proper swing until they reach the bigger kid stage. By then they may have formed some bad swing habits which require attention.

  6. There are a few ways you can tell if a kid should should change from graphite clubs to stainless steel clubs.

    1: If they are too tall for the clubs and have to bend down a long way to reach the ground.

    2: If the shafts of the clubs seem too whippy like too loose.

    Then if they can't seem to hit well then you might want to upgrade.

  7. Go to a golf shop and they will be able to measure your kid. There is a ruler custom designed for wrist to floor measurment (not a ordinary meter stick). Have them allways check loft and lie, grips and lenght before you buy clubs. All this should be free. even with your current clubs.

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