
When should a baby start wearing shoes?

by Guest66127  |  earlier

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I have heard alot of different things about this. When should you start putting shoes on your baby? One book my boyfriend read says that babies should start wearing shoes, only when they start trying to stand or walk. Other sources say that they should wear them early to start forming their feet. What is the best time to have your baby start wearing shoes?




  1. My son started wearing actual shoes when he was about 17 months old. Both  of mine learned to walk barefoot and didn't like to wear shoes anyway. Now that he's older, the youngest one does wear shoes so he can play outside and everything. My pediatrician told me to let them go without shoes for as long as we could so he could get used to standing/walking on his own feet before putting shoes on him. So he had a kickass sock collection, lol. And now he wears his shoes and can get around fine.

    There's no need to 'form' their feet....just keep them comfortable. There's nothing wrong with putting soft soled shoes on them or putting a pair on them when they're 'dressed up'. But there's really no need to put them on them until they're used to walking already and want to run around outside or somewhere that their feet need protecting.

  2. You should never put shoes on your baby's feet until they can walk fairly well with their bare feet. you can always put on the non walking shoes if your baby isn't walking yet. But for walking shoes don't use them until he/she is toddling around fairly well.

  3. Forming their feet?  how?  Their feet are still growing.  I would think it would do the exact opposite - restrict.

    When they start standing/walking.  Why waste money?

  4. Before they were walking we used leather robeez in the winter to keep their feet warm if we had to go outside, other than that they didn't wear shoes until they started walking outside.  It's better for them not to wear shoes when they're learning to walk because they can feel and grip the floor with their feet.  Hard soled shoes can actually hinder the process in the long run.

  5. The rule I have always used is soft soled shoes until she gets interested in walking then onto hard soled shoes. I've heard that using hard sole shoes too soon can be damaging to the foots development.

  6. I started putting shoes on my little girl as soon as she was born...Now when they do start walking i recommend tennis shoes to help them balance

  7. Wait until they are walking. Their feet are still growing. You do not want them to have on shoes that are too small or too big. You need to let their natural arch develop in their feet, you can't do this with shoes on. Socks will do until it gets cold outside and even then they should be in a blanket or snowsuit that covers their feet.  

  8. The foot is a complex structure of 26 bones and 35 joints, held together and supported by many ligaments. A baby's foot is padded with fat and is highly flexible. When most toddlers start to walk, they have some poor muscle tone and weak ligaments in their feet, but this will improve over time as the feet strengthen.

    So what shoes are best for a child's first steps?

    None. Barefoot is best!

    Experts say that a child's foot will develop more naturally the longer he/she is allowed to walk without shoes. It's important for parents to realize that the primary reason young children wear shoes are for warmth and protection. Children's bones, joints, and ligaments provide them with sufficient support for routine childhood activities.

    According to Dr. Carol Frey, associate clinical professor of orthopedic surgery in Manhattan Beach, California, "Children are forced to walk with their feet further apart to keep their balance. Shoes are not necessary for support or development of the arch, they only protect the feet from the environment." She continues by saying "Going barefoot helps children develop stronger and more coordinated foot muscles."

  9. 3 - 4 MONTHS OLD............. & why,  it's because the baby's foot curves inwards, you need shoes on their feet at this young age,  so the foot can be sturdy & steady, please do not wait until  walking, that age is too late for baby shoes...........  it's better to have it early,  I am a PED NURSE...........and I answer baby q.  all the time.   Shoes Early.........  you don't need fancy $100. baby shoes.  just a nice forming shoe.......     Take Care!

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