
When should a child get a phone???any ideas

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when do you tinka child should get a phone.. i'm thinking between 12 and up wat do you think




  1. 11

  2. 14

  3. 13

  4. Im 12 and i have a phone but its only for an emergency none of the texting and stuff

  5. I would say when they enter the 6th grade.  I fully believe that a child should have a way to get in touch with their parents if there is  an emergency.  The schools can't always call the parents right away and in middle school you should be letting them have more responsibility.

  6. My mom's not buying me a phone until I graduate grade 12 =/

    But I think that 12 and up is the right age.

  7. 12 sounds good.

  8. Prepaid phone once they start running around with friends (around 13 ish) or if they are doing after school activities but once they get a job and can pay their own cell bill then a regular cell would be ok (usually around 16).  

  9. A child should get a phone when he is old enough to pay for it himself.

  10. My daughter got hers Febuary of this year and she is ten.She has rollover minutes and hardly uses it except to text

  11. I work at a middle school (ages 11-14) and most kids have cell phones...they cause a lot of problems (texting in class etc....arranging to do bad things....) Even though there are no cells allowed in class, we can't search the kids if we "think" they have one.  I suggest just allowing your child to have a prepaid cell phone or one that I think AT&T has that YOU program certain numbers in  them and those are the only ones they can call or answer.  Those are good if you want direct contact, but eliminates the texting etc.

  12. Both my girls have phone in their rooms, they are 10 and 13.  My 13 year old just got a cell this summer.

  13. When he or she has the money saved up to buy it.

  14. at age 12, i'd him/her a net10 phone. a better one so that she won't be embarrased by it.

    then around 14, a real (plan) phone.

  15. i got mine when i turned 13. i think thats a good age. you are now a true pre-teen and then have more responsibilities.

  16. Whenever they start going out with friends and spending the night. It doesn't matter the age, they will need a way to contact their parents when they are away from them.

  17. i got mine when i was 10 and i think that was a bit probably between the ages of 11-13 and it depends on how the child acts like if a child is horrible then they don't deserve a phone but then its always important for a child to have a phone just in case of an emergency ya know??

    but if someone has a really responsible child then it might be okay just make sure they arent 10 like i was

    and if they are going on a trip with a class or somewhere without their parent then they should need one just in case

    so i hoped i helped!

  18. i got one when i was 9 i was only allowed to use it to call my parents and for emergencies my friends parents. the reason was because my dad coulndt communicate with me because my mom NEVER answered her fone back then. at 10 or 11 i was allowed to use it for friends and all that jazz. its still pretty much for emergencies but communicating with my friends after school

  19. My parents are getting me one when I turn 16.  (4 more years!!)  Besides, who would a 12-14 year old need to call besides there parents?   I wouldn't know who to call!  lol  

  20. 7th gradeeee :)

    answer mine?

  21. When they start school (5-6yo). I want to know where my children are whenever they aren't in front of me. Everything could happen these days. It's better to call them if I'm going to be late or if they are going to be late.

  22. I would say around 12 or 13 because there going to middle skool and thats a good time for them to get 1

  23. I would say a 13 year old should probably have a phone, because that's when they start going out places like the mall, out with friends, places like that where a parent is not with them every minute.

    Granted, I'm not saying they should have an EnV with 5000 texts and 1000 anytime minutes and internet and mobile music and all that jazz, a simple, plain jane pay as you go phone is acceptable.

  24. I don't understand why a 12 year old would need a phone, but okay.  

  25. I have a ten year old that is going to be 11 in a week or so and he has had a phone for about a couple of years I got him a pre-paid phone and I allow him to take it with him when ever we are apart. You never know now days when there is an emergency,( like that earthquake). Even when he is playing outside I make sure that he has it with him. Being that it is prepaid he only has so many minutes on it.As far as talking to friends and what not it really depends on how responsible the child is. If you give them guidelines then I believe there is no harm in having a phone. We use it mostly to keep in contact. Now if you are talking about a house phone well if you trust your child then it does not matter. My son has not  asked me for one yet but if he did at his age I would allow it because he is very responsible.  

  26. My kids both got their phones the summer before they started middle school.

  27. I think it depends on when it is needed. If you child walks home from school or has times were they are without your supervision, it would be a good time for them to have a phone for emergency purposes. I think 12 is a little too young personally, but it really depends on how mature and responsible your child is. Maybe a GO phone sold at your local walmart or target would be a good choice. You use prepaid minutes so they cant run up a big bill.  

  28. Okay well i am 12 and this might help or it might not i got mine at 11 and havnt lost it since it has really gaven me more responsibility and the deal was if i didnt answer i got it taken away which helps so when your kids a teen they automaticially answer the phone trust me this worked with my 17 year old sister whether they mean to or not they answer its a habit. It also teaches me to hang onto things and trust me if i lost my phone id freak. XD hahaha. anyhoo in my opinion i think 12 is accpetable espeicially when i go to the mall or something i can be left with my friends and my mom doesnt have to tag along with me everywhere. My parents are happy they got me a phone and so am I :] DO IT :) (and if you do...tell ur kid to thank me XD) haha

  29. My kids will get their own phones when they can afford to purchase their own phones and plans.

  30. I think its when the child is starting to stay after school or has practice or goes somewhere where they need to contact you. That's when you should get them a phone. It usually begins middle school.

  31. yeah i think thats a good age..when they become more mature and dad got mine 4 my freshman year caz i needed it

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