
When should i do a pregnancy test?

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I have started using a website to help me chart my cycle. My partner and I baby danced for 2 days before predicted ovulation, which would have been thursday 21st august. My cycle is anything from 23 to 28 days, averaging 26, so my period should come on or around the 5th september. When would you do a test? Would you wait for the maximum length of my cycle, or the average? I know i can't test yet, but the tww is so hard! Thanks :)




  1. no matter when your cycle is, it is always possible to fall pregnant. A pregnancy test will only detect the pregnancy two weeks after you have had sexual intercourse. If the pregnancy test shows negative and you have had s*x more recently than two weeks ago without contraception, then there is a chance you could be pregnant but you will have to wait two weeks from that date to tell.

  2. 1st consult your elders.

    it would be better 4 u to get check from very good pregnancy doctor,if possible get 2 lady doctor

  3. You should do it in the time you would normally have your period, you can work it out from when you would stop taking your pills normally for your 7 day break.

  4. I'm expecting my cycle as well on the 5th and am also in the TWW.  I would say wait until the day your AF should show, and take a test that morning.  I've seen other woman get a positive 10-13 days past ovulation (DPO). So any sooner isn't really reliable.  But for some advice, the best time to baby dance is right before ovulation, on ovulation day, and to be safe a day after as well.  I'm personally going to test on the 3rd (12DPO) and on the 5th (14DPO), and continue daily till either I get a positive or till AF shows her ugly face .  I wish you the best of luck for a BFP and lots of baby dust!!!

  5. I would wait the maximum length your cycle typically is.

  6. Gemma, The wait is the worst I know. Rather wait till you missed your period, i know it's horrible but the changes of getting a POSITIVE is better when you wait and it's heartbroken to get a negative, try wait it out, i waited till I was 10days late with my period before I tested,and it was a POSITIVE!

    Stay strong - just 6 more days to see if your period comes


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