
When should i do my laundry and pack before i go on vacation?

by Guest58079  |  earlier

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im leaving on vacation on saturday and im just wondering when i should get all my packing and laundry done??

i was thinking maybe ill do all my laundry today because ill be busy tomorrow. and get all the things i want to pack organized today and then pack my things tomorrow. does this sound like a good idea? what do you think? how many days before you start packing? thanks to all the answers!




  1. It depends on how busy you will be tomorrow, but you should definitely do laundry today and start packing or make a list or lay your clothes out tonight and then whenever you have time pop all ur clothes into ur suitcase. also leave your suitcase out and open so that if there is something that you forgot to pack you can just place it in there everytime you pass it by...i just went to mexico and this worked very well for me..even though i made a list in advance of what i had to pack there were still items that i forgot to pack and everytime i remembered them it was very easy to just throw them into my suitcase since i had it open and laying on my floor. Have fun on vacation!!! hope this was helpful

  2. theres no real set day on when you need to start packing

    but if you are going to be busy tomorrow you should probably go ahead and get it all sorted out today.

    Just be sure you still have something set aside to wear tomorrow and dont wear something you want to take with you so that you don't have to wash it again.

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