
When should i express milk?

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im breastfeeding my little girl. she is feeding every 4 hours so when would be the best time to express milk to put in bottles for her (so i dont have to use formula if breast isnt available) like just after a feed or what time of day etc?





  1. I started pumping this time when my milk came in. While my daughter was napping. But now I have to pump twice a day or I get over-full. I ushually pump 2 oz from each side.  

  2. Try pumping after every feeding.  At first, don't expect anything.  But if you keep at it, the pumping will evenually signal your body that it needs to produce more.  Evenually, you should begin to be able to out-produce what your daughter can take.  It can be difficult at first, but that's to be expected.

  3. Between feedings is best~not too soon after one and not too close to the next.

    The best time of day is probably when you yourself feel most relaxed. For some women, that is early morning, for others, later in the evening. Four to 5 ounces is fine, since you are expressing "just in case".

  4. Not until your baby's 4 weeks because your milk storeage will be in and you'll have extra to pump. I feed the baby on one breast and pump out the other.  

  5. you baby should be about 4 weeks.  I found the best time was in the morning when I woke up, some people express when their baby is feeding on the opposite breast or after a feed.  I thing morning is best.

    Breastfeeding councillor and mammy of three

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