
When should i get my new budgie?

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Hi, my budgie died recently and i'm getting a new one. ive already choosen him and a name(bruno). the only problem is i go to shcool monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday. and because it is coming from a pet shop with lots of other birds im worried it might be lonly when i bring it home as there will be no one home. should i get it in the weekend or will it not really matter. PLEASE HELP!!




  1. It should not really matter because you will want to leave it alone for the first few days while it gets used to its new cage. You can get it new food and water but just don't try to catch it or anything because it will settle in faster and be easier to handle if left alone for a few days.

    You can buy toys for it that make noise like bells and such and also things for it to climb on to keep it active. Another thing you might try would be to leave the radio on low with a talk station. It might help it be less lonely.

  2. It would not really matter.Just make sure he has lots to do like mirrors, swings, and rings to play in. They love to play weather you are home or not. Another Good suggestion is that since you are away at school allot try getting two budgies of the same s*x so that you don't have babies and so Bruno wont ever be lonely. They usually do fine and like the companionship of another even of the same s*x. They also will learn to love Leaf Lettuce from the grocery store. Also if you plan on taming it down to be able to get it out of the cage have its wings clipped they make much better companions if you do.

  3. I had the same problem I got mine on the weekend Saturday it's best if you get it on a Friday just stop by after school till it gets used to your every day schedule i'm still working with mine I seem to have the problem of taming them.

  4. It dosen't really matters when you buy it. You can buy it alot of toys example mirrors, swings OR you can buy it a partner.

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