
When should i get my phone?

by  |  earlier

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it was ordered sunday at like 5..and not sure when it was shipped.

i live in florida.

should i get it tommorw? because friday is a holiday.

im doing the regular shipping.




  1. You didn't include enough info....

    Put in how many business days it said it would ship in.....

  2. Regular shipping is 3 - 5 days BUSINESS days. It would depend to the location of the warehouse of the item is and what state it will be shipped.

    I will give you an example.

    If you have ordered it on Sunday it should be shipped out on Monday or Tuesday so the earliest time you should receive it will be on Thursday and the latest time will be Wednesday the next week. UPS and FEDEX only ship out on weekends but it has an extra pay.

    But if your carrier is USPS OMG regular shipping??!! Good luck you will receive it mybe after 1 month!

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