
When should i ovulate if i took clomid CD 2-6? Plzz answer if u have been on them! thnx?

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i am on CD13 today and had some sticky CM this morning but not sure if its cuz of BD last night!! i am having lots of pushes and pinches specially around my left ovary??




  1. start testing from day 9 or 10

  2. I took 100mgs from days 2-6 and i am on cycle day 17 today and just got my very first positive OPK!!!

    I started testing from day 8.

    It does depend on hpw long your cycles are (mine is 32-35 days).

    Hope this helped!!!

    Good Luck!!!


  3. I found that I ovulated at day 21 both cycles I took Clomid on days 2 to 6. However I am guessing everyone is a little different. I found doing the cheap OPK tests I got from the internet from day CD14 helped me pin point my ovulation dates meaning I knew before my thermal shift told me it was over. As for twinges etc I found that on Clomid mine start around CD16 and go on all the way through.

    Everything I have read states that sticky/stretchy CM is a sign of ovulation. However as you pointed out its hard to distinguish this from the effects of a succesful BD

  4. I'm due to start taking clomid on the days you are taking it when my period arives in the next couple of days. The specialist did not mention when i will ovulate because i have PCOS and haven't ovulated for ages but he did tell me that we should BD every day or at least every other day from days 11 to 18. I'm going to do that and chart my temp so that i'll know when i have ovulated if at all

  5. Depends when your next period is due. Ovulation is always around 14 days before your next AF starts, but then you need to add 4 days because that's the average number of days that Clomid delays ovulation. Sticky CM isn't fertile, so keep your eyes peeled for the EWCM but I suspect you've still got a few days to wait for Ovulation, considering the 'Clomid delay'. Try OPKs as suggested above.

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