
When should i pack for the hospital ?

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okay this is my gonna be my 3rd child I'm 6 months pregnant I'm having a c section on nov 19th when should i start packing my bag and what do i need to pack its sad but i cant remember and both of my other births were in summer this will be in nov and i live in FL so the weather is always crazy so if anyone could help me out. Thanks




  1. I packed my bag when I was at 35 weeks.  Early..... yes.... I know...... but I like to be prepared and the thought of my husband having to grab me clothes if I went into labor early was horrifying.... lol.   I would recommend being prepared at few weeks ahead of time.  

    Considering you are having a c-section..... you will want to bring your own night gown..... and then some really stretchy loose comfortable pants and a big comfy loose sweatshirt for going home in.

    If you are a makeup person.... bring that along.  Most hospitals do have blow dryers now days.

    I also brought my baby book to work on and a few crosswords books.  You will also want to bring Along a list of phone numbers.

    Your CAMERA...... a MUST have..... grab a disposable one and pack it in your bag asap just in case you forget your other one.  A familiar blanket or a favorite pillow can be nice.

    If you  happend to have a boppy pillow.... bring that.... because after a c-section it can be hard to hold baby and to nurse..... so the boppy really helps.  A few pairs of HUGE undies....... otherwise you will have to wear those terrible netting undies they provide to fit in those HUGe pads.

    And for baby....... bring a nice swaddling blanket.... and a few other nice warm blankets..... don't forget the car seat..... a few simple warm sleepers.... no need for the fancy outfits.... they become difficult to put on a newborn with there umbilical cord and such.   Usually hospitals supply the diapers and wipes.... you should check on that and see if yours does.  A few little hats.  And since it will be winter.... you will need to bring a bundle or snowsuit for baby to wear on his way home.....  Best of luck to you!

  2. 1. A loose fitting bathrobe

    2. Slippers

    3. Shampoo, lotion, soap, etc (The hospital kind are cheap)

    4. Clothing for the baby and a blanket

    5. Have the car seat installed

    6. A loose, comfortable outfit to go home in.

    If this is your first C section, you need to know you'll only get jello and broth for the first day or two after the baby comes, normal diet after any surgery.

    I have a close to Thanksgiving C section child too.

    Don't worry about cooking dinner. If you and the baby are feeling okay, go out or get invited somewhere, It will be a bit much to cook a big meal only a week or so after surgery.

  3. You can pack your hospital bag anytime you want. its better to have it ready to go just incase.

    What to pack for labour

    • Your birth plan

    • Dressing gown -- useful if you end up pacing hospital corridors in early labour

    • Slippers

    • Socks -- believe it or not, your feet can get cold during labour

    • An old nightdress or a T shirt to wear in labour. It might get a bit messy, so don't buy anything specially to wear in hospital.

    • Massage oil or lotion if you would like to be massaged during your labour

    • Lip balm

    • Snacks and drinks for you while you are in labour, or some glucose tablets to keep you going

    • Watch with a second hand, to time contractions

    • Digital camera or camcorder. If you want to bring a camcorder, check with the hospital beforehand -- not all of them allow them in delivery rooms.

    • Relaxation materials: books, magazines, games etc.

    • Pictures of someone or something you love (the inspiration you may need to see you through to the end)

    • Toiletries

    * Water spray, or a hand-held fan to keep you cool

    • Music to listen to -- take a battery-operated machine as most hospitals won't let you plug things in. Some hospitals provide their own CD players -- again, check first.

    For your birth partner

    • A change of clothes

    • Snacks and drinks -- you don't want a dehydrated, hungry birth partner looking after you!

    For after the birth

    • Going-home outfit, and loose comfortable clothes to wear while you're in hospital. It will take a while for your tummy to go down so you'll be still wearing maternity clothes when you come home -- sorry!

    • Nursing bras -- two or three

    • Breast pads for when your milk comes in

    • Maternity pads -- a couple of packs

    • Nightshirt or T-shirt -- front opening shirts are useful for breastfeeding

    • Toiletries

    • Towels, hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste

    • Old knickers/cheap knickers/disposable knickers -- don't bring your best ones as they will get messy. If you end up having a caesarean, the NCT does brilliant stretchy knickers that are comfortable over your scar.

    • Arnica tablets to help with bruising after the birth. Although there's no conclusive evidence that they work, many women report that taking arnica helps reduce bruising and helps the healing process.

    • Ear plugs, in case you end up on a noisy ward!

    • Address book, plus lots of change or a prepaid phone card for all the calls you may want to make. You may find you cannot use your mobile phone in the hospital building.

    For your baby

    • An infant car seat -- some hospitals won't let you leave without one

    • One outfit for the trip home (all-in-one stretchy outfits are easiest)

    • Two to three babygros and vests for baby to wear while you are in hospital. Some hospitals provide baby gowns for your baby to wear during his stay.

    • Baby blanket (a warm one if weather is cold)

    • Nappies

    • One pair of socks or booties

    • Hat

    • Jacket or snowsuit for winter babies.

  4. i had mine packed and in the car.  put several different outfits to come home in in one bag (for your other half to bring in later) and some comfy stuff for being in the hospital during your stay and shower stuff.......boppy things that you want. the carseat in the car. baby clothes for baby. warm blankets and hats for baby.  

  5. If you have the time today, do it, the reason i say this is because (not trying to scare you) but i had to go into the hospital at 7 months, i wasn't prepared and didn't have my bag packed.  Everything turned out ok but i wasn't ready with my bag, Clothes for sure, like your own jammies, becaue you may not want to wear the hospital gown, shower stuff shampoo and conditioner, bra (breastfeeding bra) if you have it, Don't forget your nursing pads, you will be leaking everywhere. underware of course, clothes maternity clothes don't forget, my cousin brought her old clothes thinkig she would lose her baby tummy overnight.  bring a loose shirt a couple just to be safe, a comb for your hair, a little makeup if you wear it. Toothbrush the hospital gave me one but it was so hard and small.  think of it this way, there is nothing wrong with being ready right, imagine  your husband having to go and find your stuff and pack it for you, mine grabbed stuff i never wear.. lol

    good luck and congratulations!

  6. Probably 2 weeks ahead, even though its already scheduled.  You never can be too sure.  Congratulations

  7. back about 2 weeks ahead. and have a going home outfit for u and pjs and warm socks and mybe slipers. also have about 3 out fits for ur baby because u never know when they will let u go home. dipers wet wips. and a baby balnket. and make up for u so when u go home u look nice. dont for get shampoo!!!

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