
When should i potty train my daughter and switch her crib to a bed.?

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When should i potty train my daughter and switch her crib to a bed.?




  1. Not at the same time, but when she shows the signs, including being able to take off pants, being interested in the potty, and not liking being wet, for the potty. As to the bed, when she reaches 36 inches or is able to climb out of the crib. My daughter is 20 months, in a crib turned toddler bed, and not potty trained. Good luck!  

  2. See this best answer.  There is much wisdom in potty training a child this way and starting when they are old enough to understand verbal instructions and stay dry 2-3 hours in a row.;...

    Switch her crib to a bed when she stops needing naps or when she starts trying to climb out.  If you potty train her before switching to a bed, that should be fine, kids usually stay dry all night and if not, there is nothing you can do about it, so try pull-ups (at night ONLY).

  3. potty training: she will give you signs and you will no. dont force her it makes it a little harder

  4. about 1 1/2 to 2 years old

  5. I'd move her around 2 yrs to a bed. As for potty training... look for signs that she's ready... like can speak words to tell you she needs to go. Pulls her own pants up and down. Has interest in the potty.

    If you push potty training too soon it can acutally take longer to potty train... just wait til she's ready.

  6. we switched out daughter to a bed a little before 2.. we are military and in the middle of a move anyway so the timing seemed right.. every kid is different though, so when you think she knows enough to stay in her bed at night, because it makes things extra hard if you are constantly trying to keep them in bed. as for potty training our daughter was about 25 months when she started asking to pee pee in the potty and it was another couple of weeks of us putting a diaper on her when she had to poo.. she would say she had to go but would hold it in until she had a diaper on!! figured it was better than getting her constipated!! then after a few weeks she was fine with going in the toilet and has been going ever since!! no diapers is the best thing in the world!! good luck

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