
When should i reintroduce my fantail to the main tank?

by  |  earlier

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here's the situation

- my fantail goldfish developed finrot

- the other fish in the tank are perfectly fine and the water quality is fine

- he's been in a hospital tank in isolation for four days during treatment

- showed signs of recovery after first 24 hours of treatment

- now on day four he seems almost perfectly fine all but one remaining tiny pink patch by the base of his tail

i don't know if putting him back in the main tank will cause a risk to the other fish or if moving tanks will stress him out and cause more illness. the whole four days he's been in there he keeps swimming toward the main tank. if fish had personality and emotions i'd say he misses the other fish!!

what would you advise? continued isolation for a period or put him back in the main tank and see how he goes?




  1. First of all, <S> Congratulations on healing your fish!

    It's always tempting to reunite a fish with personality back into the main tank a little bit early.  Especially, a personality-rich goldfish.

    But, it's not really very wise. Whatever period the medication states should be followed EXACTLY. (usually they say about a week) It is sometimes hard, but you have to be clinical about this. The illness needs to be thoroughly (100%) eradicated for the health and well being of all of your fish. No short cuts. Healing shouldn't be rushed. You're probably almost done anyway. Hang in there. Working with an additional hospital tank with a goldfish can be quite a chore.

    Yes, I'm absolutely sure that your patient misses his friends but they would want you to do what's best for him.

  2. Well I wouldn't risk fin root in my tank so I would have to leave him the issolation tank and I do think he really wants to be with the other fish

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