
When should i start getting the birth control pills ?

by Guest32853  |  earlier

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i decide to have s*x this winter with my boyfriend.We are together about one year and we love each other so much .i have 18 years and he is 19 .We both never had s*x before .Whats the best time to start getting the pills? thank you so much




  1. Start the pill at least one month before, you need to take a full cycle of the pill to see how it affects your menstrual cycle. I think its great you are being so responsible with your body.

  2. The best time to get the pills is before you have s*x and after you've been tested for STD's.  Even though you say you both are virgins, if any of you have had oral s*x, there is a risk of catching an STD.  One example is Herpes.  If a person who has Herpes Simplex 1 (which is the cause of cold sores) administers oral s*x to someone, the recipient can contract Herpes Simplex 2, which is genital herpes.  The two Herpes viruses are in the same family.  

    It is great you are being responsible and accountable for your sexual activity.  I hope you continue to be careful and take great care in your sexual health.  Best of luck to both of you.  =)

  3. That's really great you're being so responsible! If I were you, I would schedule an appointment with a gynecologist now (sometimes it takes weeks to get in, ugh!), and get an examination too, just to make sure everything's working down there. You should ideally start the pills ASAP, so your body has time to get used to them, and you know they are working 100% when you're ready, because it takes about a month for them to start working.

    Hope that helped!

  4. fbirth control pillls can effect a womens body adversely. it is better for him to wear a condom then for you to take the pill

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