
When should i start packing to move to a new city?

by  |  earlier

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me and my fiance are moving to a new city sept 15th, we have already signed the papers and contacted our current landlord about moving and we have recieved our cheques we wrote him as we thought we would be staying longer. When should i start packing to move? i have 20 days left.




  1. Now. Pack everything you are not using every single day.

  2. gurl start packiun rite now u ca never b more ready...

  3. Just remember to have all utilities/phone/cable and internet services turned off or removed from your name.  Get a change of address form from the Post Office and go ahead and have it filled out so that your mail service continues without disrupted service.  Re-read your current rental contract so that you can get your deposit back (take photos and if you are doing a walk through with your super try to get him/her in a few photo's if it look like you might have to go to court to get your deposit back, you can always delete them if you don't need previous experience).  As for household stuff ,start packing as you go.  Small items that are breakable wrap in clothing that you will not be using until your move is complete.  Valuables you'll want to physically move yourself.  If you  are hiring a moving company check with the better business bureau to make sure that the licensed and do not have lots of complaints filed against them.  Also, in the San Francisco area one of the major cost of moving with a moving company has been the charges of packaging supplies (ie: moving companies are charging incredible amounts for cardboard boxes and tape), so I would check this out to be sure that whatever you are quoted is the true price of the move and they are not going to hold your items for payment.  Might be cheaper to rent a truck and move yourselves. Have a safe move and happy life in your new city.

  4. Things You’ll Need:

    Notebook and pen



    Tape for boxes


    Start at the beginning. Who needs to be notified that you're moving? Make a list. Start with your utility companies, newspaper, post office, and other bills. Be sure to include your doctor, dentist, bank and any schools family members attend. If you have any memberships to clubs or organizations that you will not be able to attend after you move, be sure to inform them as well. Keep your list in a safe place to use a little later. Note that many businesses take 6-8 weeks to make changes so be sure to leave yourself enough time. A phone call followed by a short note should be enough but some places will need you to come in and sign one of their own forms.


    Call around to find the best mover for your needs. Ask them about costs, insurance, mileage, and any other fees and hidden costs there may be. Call several because there can be a great deal of difference in costs and services.


    Start saving newspapers and boxes for your move. Ask friends and family to help with this. Office supply stores - especially the big chains - are great places to get sturdy boxes with lids for free. Call ahead and have them save some for you.


    Clean out the clutter before you do anything. Really look at what you should get rid of before you move. Children's clothes from last season that won't fit in a year, toys no one plays with, movies you don't want to watch again. Is there any furniture you don't want? It's easier to get rid of it now than to move and then do it.


    Make meals around what you have on hand and buy only what is absolutely necessary. Food is easier to buy than to pack and move. You can also use up paper products, wraps, shampoos and other things so that you have less to take with you.


    Think about what you will not be using between today and moving day. If it's summer, think of winter clothing, Christmas decorations, and things like hockey equipment. Pack these first, keeping like items together and marking the box with exactly what's in it. Put them in a corner of the house or in a closet where they won't need to be moved until moving day.


    Look at the items that are seldom used next. These may include books, photo albums, scrapbooks, hobby items, CDs, DVDs, games, special china, glasses serving pieces and knick knacks. Pack these carefully, using paper between breakables, and mark every box. Write 'Christmas serving pieces' not just 'kitchen' so you can unpack the things you'll need first and save these for last. Place these boxes in a second spot you've cleared so they can be put in the truck in the order you want them to be.


    Pack a 'need it now' bag for the first day or two after you move. Include toothpaste and brushes, coffee and cups, any prescription medicines, your notebook and pen, a knife or box cutter for unpacking, keys for the new house and whatever you know that your family will need immediately. Keep this with you in your car when you move.


    Pack up the belongings that you'll need now last. Mark each box with the contents and the person's name they belong to when applicable. You can put each box into the proper room when you get there. When the movers are ready for boxes, have them take them out in the same order that you packed them. The things you packed last will come out first and those you don't need right now will come out last.


    Plan to have a friend or sitter take the kids and pets out of the house to watch them on moving day. It is just a lot easier with nothing to worry about except the move. When you get there, put your boxes in the rooms they go into if there's a corner you can use so the furniture will still go in. If not, place them as close to that room as possible. No need lifting things over and over.


    Plan to live out of boxes for several days so you won't be pushing yourself beyond what's reasonable. Enlist all family members old enough to help as well. With all things finally done, relax and enjoy your new home.



    Mark your boxes with the contents inside as well as the person or room they belong to.

    Keep a list of which boxes you've packed and where you've put them. Don't trust your memory on moving day.

    Be sure the last things you pack go into the moving van last so they'll be the first things out.

  5. Pack anything that you can do without now.  Then prepare the containers for the day to day items you must leave out until you actually move.  There will probably be something that comes up at the last moment, but if you have already prepared as best you could, then those things will be few.  Good Luck.

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