
When should i start taking my daughter to the dentist?

by  |  earlier

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i know i probably wont need to yet. she is 9 months old and has just cut her first tooth and has 2,3 and 4 rapidly following. she is my first and i was just wondering when i should start taking her.




  1. I'd say about 2 years old would suffice

    (Good morning Dr Frank xx)

  2. when her teeth are all in. like at about 1.5 to 2 yrs old is when I took mine for the first time. Don't let her go to bed with a bottle cuz it will give her bottle rot and that **** is horrible!!

  3. IT is a good idea to take her from about the age of 2 years. Hopefully at that stage nothing more than advice will be needed, however it will get her used to the idea.

  4. She should have gone already - as soon as the first tooth came through.  

  5. You should have started taking her to the dentist the time her teeth erupted.  that should have been when she was still 6-7 months old.

  6. I am bringing my daughter(2) tomorrow morning.

  7. Take her with you next time you go and let her sit in the chair and let the dentist look at her teeth. This way she will get used to going at an early age and check ups will be normal, her first experience wont be when something is wrong and be frightened.

  8. Usually around age two.  I would try for one that specializes in children.

  9. about 2 if you can find a dentist

    the earlier they get used to going the better

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