
When should i start teaching my child the basic thing I mean at which age?

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When should i start teaching my child the basic thing I mean at which age?




  1. basic training of a child starts as early as 6 months

  2. I'm not sure what you mean....???

  3. as early as possible,(am talking infant here) but in normal ways.  "Look at the red ball"  "lets put on your the blue shirt"  How many toes do you have  (count them out loud)  point at eyes, ears etc and name them.  As they get a bit older name letters on signs, etc.  

    A really important this is reading and talking to your child..regardless of age.   Give a running commentary as you do things with your child, including driving, they will love hearing your voice and it really increases their understanding and vocabulary.

  4. Please state your question more clearly.  What basic thing?

  5. just start when he/she's born. it may seem too early but just talk to them. they'll know.

  6. Like what basic things? To read? I could read simple sentences when I was 2, but then I was gifted. What do you mean by basic things?

  7. Like a school teacher, parent's teaching can not be a formal one. It stats from the moment child taken a birth...till he grows. will be the first school, learning centre toany child.

    The imprints continue in their minds for ever.

  8. What basic thing?  What are you talking about?

  9. your child at least should have to crossed 5 years. Ya it is long wait but after all its a kid u konw.

  10. Take any opportunity to teach, from getting dressed, for example-this is your green shirt and it goes on your chest over your arms and head. These are your blue pants first we put the left leg in now the right. Etc. Everyday learning last a lot longer than anything they learn in a class room because they use it every day. Make a game out of learning, teach through songs, let them hear colors, numbers, alphabet. Repetition is the key. You will be surprised how quick they will learn thing. Also read read read read to your children. It really does help!!

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