My last period was on June 31 but was very light till the following day on july 1st. I know I ovulated somehwhere around the 15-18th from what the calendar says. I feel as if I am pregnant. when should i test? I had pink spotting on the 25th only once when i wiped, and then on the 26th i had the same pink spotting with a little brown it in only once when i wiped. I took a test yesterday evening around 7 p.m. but there wasn't alot of urine anyway, and i know i should have taken it in the morning. Here are my possible symptoms:
a little bloating i feel at night when i go to sleep
i am starting to get constipated like i did with my last pregnancy.
A little dizzyness, and light cramp (a.k.a. light pinching sinsation) in abdominal area.
I am not supposed to get my period till the 30th, but i am always a few days late anyway, never early. When should i test?