
When should i take my son to the dentist?

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my son just turned 1 on sunday and he has 4 teeth on the bottom and getting 3 on top. should i schedule a dentist appointment for him or wait and see what the dr says.




  1. My pediatrician said dentist time is usually around 3. Maybe a little sooner if your kid is able to sit still for longer period of time. You just need to keep his teeth clean until then :-)

  2. for right now your pediatrician is his dentist and he/she will let you know when it is time. it usually around three or four.  

  3. I asked my dentist the last time I was in about when I should take my daughter in and he said 3.  Floride isn't all that good for them and I think that they can handle it a bit better when they are 3 or older.  You can always ask your can never hurt to ask.

  4. I took my daughter to the dentist at  4 yrs old, she is now 10 yrs old and has great, healthy cavities til this point!!! my son just turned 2 years old and when he turns  4 yrs old, i will take him in as well....1 years old is too young!! Just regular brushing cleaning will be sufficent enough....your child has to be able to sit for a long period of time at the dentist

  5. i'd say when he gets a full set of teeth... or the better part of one.

    but before his full memory is going to develop.

    i'd say around 3.....   cause if you help him maintain his teeth (start brushing them when he starts eating baby food...  with a toothbrush... at age 2, maybe some kiddie toothpaste) it won't be a bad experience, and he might look forward to it.

    i sure did.

  6. age 3 is best-  your pediatrician & dentist will tell you.  By age 4, kids may already have cavities.  Keep up the brushing habit, even with only a few teeth.

  7. Now is probably a bit young.  4 is a good age if you aren't giving him fruit snacks, cookies and candy.  I let my son eat these things sometimes and he had cavities.  Take him earlier if you give your son sweets.  I'm thinking age 2 I wish I had gone sooner.

    Good Luck

  8. You should take a baby to a pediatric dentist when the first teeth come in.  From there, they will recommend how often to bring the child back in.  Be sure you are brushing your baby's teeth, but use a baby toothpaste.  Toothpaste with flouride isn't good for very young kids because they tend to swallow the toothpaste and don't really need the extra flouride since most places have flouride in the water.

  9. my dentist told me that any time from 1 yr old, to start bringing my daughter in with me when i have my teeth done,, just to get her used to going....... he looks in her mouth when she lets him,, not to do much, just so she gets used to him,,, but as of yet, he hasn't done a  proper check and  says he won't til she is about 3 yrs old

  10. My mother worked for many, many years for various dentists that specialize in children pedadontists... They suggest that you bring your child into his/her office 6mnths.--1yr.  Not only to get them used to seeing a different kind of doctor that specilizes in oral issues and dentistry but, to find out EARLY if the child may have any other gum, tissue or oral issues... Most gen practice phys. don't do oral issues and therefore don't understand the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums even from an early age!  They just think that the baby teeth will fall out so who cares....  

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