
When should i tell my parents???

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I am 14 and pretty sure i am a L*****n and am going out with this really gr8 girl. my parents think were just friends so im ok with that for the moment but i hate lying to them and want to know when i should tell them about this girl. please help me




  1. Well first of all make sure you are sure before just telling them that you think you are. Also, it varies for different people. When you think the time is right, go for it.

  2. Lying to your parents can make your relationship really ruff with them, but I defiantly don't want to rust you into it.  I know when I used to keep it from my mom that I figured it wasn't causing a problem, but looking back on it I realize how when I was dating my first girlfriend Liz I would push myself away from my mom and hardly talk to her because I felt guilty.  I wouldn't want you to feel guilty for being who you are, you should never have to.  Unfourtnatly you are entering a world of difficulties and uncertainties.  You need to tell your parents when YOU feel comfortable.  It all depends also on how you parents are and how you think they can handle it.  My fiance's parents knew she was a L*****n by finding out about her past relationships but continued to deny it.  They didn't know we were more than friends till she moved out with me.  That's how we had to deal with it because of the way we knew her parent's would take it.  I on the other hand had no excuse not to tell my parents because I knew they would be fine with it, and they were.  In warning, if you do tell them now since your at a young age still they may just dismiss it as a phase, and something like that can be annoying and hurtful to hear if you are sure of yourself.

    Well I hope my answer helped and if you need help dealing with this please feel free to email me, because this can truly be hard thing to deal with.

  3. make sure you are, if your not, and you tell them, that would be alot of explaining later..

    wait till your 18, alot of people experiment with there sexuality at that age, and they dont  even know it

  4. Don't be in such a rush to tell them.  They will almost certainly dismiss it and say you are too young to know, and stop you from seeing your girlfriend.  Indeed, I don't generally recommend that anyone who is living at home or otherwise dependent on their parents to tell them until they are able to be self-supporting.  I have heard too many horror stories of kids kicked out, cut off financially, sent away to Christian schools or worse, 'ex-g*y' camps, forced into therapy, etc.  I would wait until they no longer have the power to make you life h**l before you tell them.  If they ask, don't lie, but don't tel them just to be telling them.  There are potential consequences, and you have to be in a position to deal with and protect yourself from them should the need arise.

  5. If you know there COMPLETELY cool with it then tell them.

    They may just change the dating rules for guys to girls.

    If there not then i don't think you should. Just not now. They'll play the whole, "You're to young to know card, You've pulled a tatu card, or omg quick get the pope on the phone card" And believe me even if they act okay they'll do things differently, some might be subtle others might be big. Some may be direct some may be indirect.

    Good Luck. And i'm so happy you found someone so young. I'm 16 and can't find a guy! ahhhh


  6. 1st make sure you dont like boys then just go for it

  7. You should tell them when your ready. Don't do it until then. By you asking this question it sounds like a part of you is.  

  8. I noticed that you said you're "pretty sure".  Are you still unsure?  If you are unsure, that's OK because you're still quite young and this must be a fairly new experience for you.  If you choose to tell your parents, the "when" is up to you.  You can only do so when you are comfortable.  I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your parents, but hopefully you are comfortable talking to them.  

    If you are unsure of your own feelings, and you choose to talk to your parents, it is OK to tell your parents that you are unsure of your feelings.  Hopefully they will understand that your sexuality is very personal to you, as it is for all individuals, and you are the only person who can or ever will fully understand it.  As well, sexuality and attraction is only part of the experience of meeting new people and establishing relationships.  You can't be expected to fully understand everything about sexuality and attraction at age fourteen.  I'm thirty-seven and I still struggle with the complexity of relationships, including how to convey complicated ideas to my parents.  :-)

  9. You're "pretty sure" that you're a L*****n and you're going out with a girl? Ok...don't tell your parents if you think they will respond negativly and possibly kick you out or cut you off or something. Really it might be better to wait until you are sure that you are a L*****n and then tell them. You don't have to jump out of the closet right away.

    If you are going to tell them then you just have to sit them down and do it. It's not like theres ever going to be a great time to tell them. Be prepared for them to be possibly shocked. Also I'd tell them about your orientation and introduce your girlfriend later. Don't overload them all at once

  10. you should come out to your parents,,

    or ask them questions refering to how they feel on the topics of g*y,,

    and if they arent so positive on the topic then maybe you should wait awhile and see how things play out with this girl,,

    and if this relationship is actually going anywhere.

    honestlyy,, you should go with your gut feeling,,

    or maybe you should talk to your girlfriend and see her opinions on it.

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