
When should i test help?

by  |  earlier

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my last period was june 28th but then i bled for 3 days july 10th which was 12 days after my period so idk what that was. idk if my period is due tomorrow or 12 days from now i took a preg test yesterday and it said no. so i dont know when my period is due. i feel so tired, very moody, my lower back hurts my b***s are sore and they feel heavy and have lumps in them like last time i was preg but i misscaried. ive had a few headaches and i feel a like thowing up in the morning. and no matter how much i sleep im still tired. so should when should i test a day after my missed period on sunday if i miss it or was those 3 days i bled a period im so confused, any input would be greatly greatly appreciated.




  1. Just keep testing. I didn't get a positive til I was 7 weeks. Good luck.

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