
When should i upgrade my guitar?

by  |  earlier

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ive just started learning to play guitar for about 3months (all self taught) and i wanna up grade my guitar. i have a fender squire and it was ok at first cuz i really couldent play that well but since ive gotten better the sound quality on my squire dosent fit me any more because i can actually play songs now. i was thinking of getting a fender stratocaster if i can find one for like 3 or 400 bucks but i really got my eyes set on getting ths les pauls styled Epiphone in black with a gold trim cuz that look is s**y on a guitar

if u can help me pick out a new guitar thanks

any suggestions or oppinons are welcom




  1. Don't upgrade a squier strat its not worth it at all.

    Just get a new guitar all together

    Epiphone LP's are good guitars

    But if you wanna rock hard get a Dean ML

  2. the fender strat will sound similar to your squire. they are basically the same thing with more quality parts. seriously, if i had 400 bucks to spend and was in your situation i would buy a nice amp and some effects. The nicest guitar on Earth wont sound good if you have a weak little amp with no effects. You can get a good distortion pedal for around 100 and a good amp for around 300 or 400. good luck

  3. Hey there!

    Well, I'd say upgrading to those kinda guitars that early, is rather risky, but hey, if you want to, why not? You want to enjoy playing and hearing your music right?

    Well, since you're asking for opinions, I'm a huge Fender Strat fan myself, I love those guitars. The cheapest one your going to find is right at $400 dollars though, so barely squeezes in your budget.

    There's a couple links to some strats I would recommend, like I said, they're the cheapest you are gonna get, excluding deals on Ebay and such.

    There's a link to a nice epiphone les paul, around the same price. You can never go wrong with a Gibson product.

    Well anyway, there's just a few ideas, but I would HIGHLY recommend going to a music store, trying out a bunch of different ones, and asking the employees at the store about the ones you're interested in. I've been in your shoes not to long ago as well, and trust me, you want to take your time and find the right one for your musical style and taste. The last thing you want to do is buy one you aren't going to like, and then be stuck with it for years. Trust me.

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