
When should i worry about him not walking?

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my son is 13 months old and not worried about walking. we walk around hunched over holding his hands, but if we let go he will stop or fall. we really want him to learn to walk so we don't have to carry him everywhere. if he gets just a couple of inches away from sum 1 he will fall expecting them to pick him up and cry untill they do. we live in an apt so we can't really let him cry it out. lots of complaining neighbors. any advice? help!




  1. My daughter didn't walk until she was almost 17 months old.  Most babies walk sometime between 12 - 18 months.  No need to worry quite yet.  He'll do it when he's ready.  It sounds like he's being a bit stubborn and even a little "lazy".  That's the exact same way my daughter was.  Eventually, they just start doing it on their own though.  When he's older, you'll miss him needing you to carry him.  You'll wish he couldn't walk when he's running away from you in the store.  Trust me.  lol  Enjoy it while you still can.

  2. Worry when he's 18 months old.

  3. lol it sounds like to me he is spoiled.  my son was almost 12 months when he started walking. he could do it he was just lazy...and spoiled. i would not worry about it yet. if he does not walk soon i would talk to  his pedi.  

  4. my son walked at 12 months and my daughter at 8 months. each baby is different and i wouldn't worry unless your dr starts to get concerned

  5. give him enough time and he'll work it on his own phase.Same thing with my first son, he was 16 months old when he steadily walking but now he's 22 month old and he can't stop walking and running around the house.

  6. He'll walk when he's ready. My kids all began walking after they were 16 months old. But keep on practicing, and get him one of those walking toys, that he can hold onto and walk around (like a baby carriage, or something more sturdier like a ride-on toy that has a high back with walking option.

  7. Honestly, I wouldn't worry until he atleast 18 mo.  Every child develops at their own rate, and when he is walking is not a determining factor in how he develops in the long run.  My cousins son was a bit chubby and he didn't walk until he was 16 months.  Now he's 7 and is quite the little athlete!

  8. No big deal, he's still little, give him a little more time.  Why don't you take him to a Gymboree class, that's where we used to take our son and they really help you out with crawling and walking.  It is so much fun for them too and they get to see other kids doing things and want to imitate them.  I highly recommend it.  Your first class is free so you have nothing to loose if you don't like it.  When I was teaching my son to walk my back would hurt too from bending over until I figured out I could hold him up with a rolled up blankie, I would put it around his chest and under his armpits and hold the ends.  Make a huge deal every time he makes an attempt to walk, babies love it when you cheer them on.  

  9. mine is 12 months old and he thinks we think he isn't walking... but I caught him walking across the living room floor out of the corner of my eye. they'll walk when they're ready. buy him a cheap stroller if you don't want to carry him.  

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