
When should kids dress themself?

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My 8yr old wants to pick out her own cloths. i no she will not match, but i dont really care, but do you think she is to little. My 5yr old still get cloths picked out for them. When did your kids pick out there own cloths?




  1. my sisters and I started picking out our ownclothes at about age 3 and just teach them about maching and they'll learn my 3 year old sister screams if we end up picking out her clothes and they don't match.

  2. by pick out her own clothes do u mean at the store or in the morning for school?

    if its at the store take her to like walmart/target they always have matches and let her pick it out.

    and if its in the morning then just make sure that whatever is bought for her its in complete outfits.

    at 8 she is perfectly capable of dressing herself.

  3. I started picking out my own clothes at the start of 7th grade. Before then, my grandma used to dress me...[just think about how I was dressed...its like a night mare!]

    Anyway, I think that you should atleased wait till she is 10.

    Let her help pick out her clothes now though, like, pick out 3 diffrent outfits, and let her pick one of them. Then the next day, let her pick out one of the others that she didn't pick out from the day before, and then on the 3rd day, she wears the last one.

    But instead of 3 outfits, pick out 5 [one whole school week]

    And you should care about how your childrens clothes, and if they match, because other parents, and teacher, will see how she is dressed and think of you as a bad parent, for not dressing her right.

    Good Luck!

  4. My son started choosing his own clothes in about first grade, so about 5/6 years old.  He knew that if I really didn't like his choice I'd make him change, but I pretty much let him decide.  After that the only time I influenced his choices was for Church or Picture day.  By age ten he had found his own look & was very selective about what he'd wear.  I admired him for that.

  5. Whenever they show interest in dressing themselves. You shouldn't care if your kids match. I dressed myself since I was 3.

  6. Honestly, whenever they show interest in dressing themselves, I'd let them do it.  So what if they don't match?  They'll learn in time.

  7. my kids began at 2.

    occassionally now at 9 I send my son back with instructions to pick what he wants on most (top or bottom) and change the other as they do not go together but in general they have always done well by them selves. I think by 2 they should start trying

  8. i picked my own clothes since i was 3/4

  9. I was dressing myself by the time I was in second grade (i.e. six/seven years old). I say that as soon as children are interested in dressing themselves, you should let them. And in third grade, no one will care if her clothes match or not. Let her learn; at eight, she's definitely old enough to dress herself.

  10. I think at 8 she should start having a say in what she wears. Why don't you use this as a time to show her what is an acceptable outfit and what isn't. She will never be able to match up clothes unless she is taught and allowed to do it.

    You could by cordinated outfits so she could pick an outfit to wear, rather than trying to match the whole thing herself.

    By 8, many children are picking out their outfits, especially girls.

    Take Care. SD

  11. My daughter is 4 and I let her choose from 2 or 3 outfits if we have somewhere to go.  Or sometimes I let her pick out the shirt and I choose pants that match or vice versa.  She's actually getting pretty good at putting outfits together though.  Lately I have been letting her pick things out on her own and she's been successful.  I will tell her, it's going to be cold so choose long sleeves.  She's catching on well.

  12. When they tell you they are ready.

    What's the big deal?  What's the harm if she does dress herself?

    If you're going somewhere where she has to look 'nice and respectable', then pick out three outfits that are acceptable to you, match them together on the bed, and let her pick which one she'll wear.

    There are too many parents who do things for their children long after the children should be able to do it for themselves.  The children grow up to be dependent on other people rather than reliant on themselves.

    I have a girlfriend who does EVERYTHING for her two boys.  For example, she is still dressing her boys every morning at age 13 and 10, even to the point of handing them their underwear.  Ewwwwwwww!  Those boys can't take a step without checking with their mother first, or she'll have something to say about it.

    The older boy is very passive in life, and I fear for his ability to live independently as an adult.  The younger boy is just itching to get away as soon as possible (yes, even at age 10).  Neither situation is psychologically healthy.

    I can't say anything to her.  She is firmly convinced that she is mothering her boys well.  

    She's always commenting upon how independent my kids are, though, and asking me what my secret is.  When I tell her that I don't do anything for my kids that they're capable of doing themselves, she says, "Well my boys just won't do anything for themselves.  They'd stay in their pajamas all day if I let them."  

    My answer to that is:  "Okay, then send them to school in their pajamas and they'll soon learn to dress themselves."  She looks at me incredulously.  The rest of us just look on, roll our eyes at each other, and shake our heads at her seeming inability to understand basic child rearing practices.  

    ***  We all truly feel that it feeds her own ego for her boys to still be so dependent on her.  ***

    All I can say to you is, "Congrats, Mom," for raising a happy and independent little lady.  You are doing your job.  Well done!!!!!

  13. 8 is definitely not too young to pick out their own clothes out of a list of parent-approved and weather-appropriate choices.  My kids have done that since 3 or 4.

  14. I let my 8 year old pick out her own clothes. If something really clashes I will make her go change a part of the outfit.

  15. for my 5 year olds i pick out 3 outfits for them and they can pick which one. i think your 8 year old is old enough. just let her pick it out and then you approve it

  16. My girls are 6 and almost 8.  They have been picking out their own clothes since they started school.  Kindergarden is when they started.  I think that kind of decision making, makes them individuals.  That is what growing up is all about!  Let her try....If it doesn't match, have her go back and change her shirt/pants.  That way, she can start to become her own person, not someone you want her to offence!

  17. I dress my 3 y.o.

    My 7 and 9 year olds dress themselves. They pick their clothes. I do however... approve of each outfit they choose.

    Your daughters are both old enough to pick their clothes out.

    I would just say yes or no to the outfit they pick. Sometimes I just don't agree on a shirt that doesn't match, or a skirt that isn't weather appropriate. Then they will change that part of the outfit.

  18. my kids have picked out their owns clothes since 4 maybe?

  19. when ever you decide to leave it up to them

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