
When should kids start having s*x, at what age?

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At what age, just curious.




  1. kids should never have s*x, they should wait until they are adults, preferably married  but at least in a monogamous, loving, long term relationship

  2. Never, leave it for the adults. 18+

  3. Kids shouldnt be at all. They are kids for a reason.

  4. 18, so then their not kids. Kids shouldnt be having s*x.

  5. No matter how BIG and COOL you think you'll be when your not a virgin, u shouldn't have intercourse until you are married. Children are a BIG responsibility and need to be handled by 2 parents and if a kid gets pregnant, its usual only the mother that actually cooperates and is involved in the kid's life.

  6. well it all depends on who u ask many would say not before ur married ( which is truly the right answer in my prospective )

    but in todays life anywhere around 20+

    any younger could be harmful to the kid without them fully being aware

    at the age of 20+ u are more set with urself and know how ur body functions

    so hypothetically speaking nothing younger than 20

  7. Kids shouldnt have s*x or kids.

  8. KIDS should not be having s*x!

  9. A few months ago, while I was in the breakroom at work, the news was on and they were discussing how age comes into play when a person decides to be sexually active.

    The study which they were discussing took place very recently, within the last couple of years.  The results were surprising to me and my coworkers.

    It found that the percentage of males who wait until marriage to have s*x have a higher incidence of impotence in their twenties and thirties, and a higher rate of sexual frustration.  Women who wait until marriage also experience sexual frustration, and sometimes do not find s*x pleasurable at all.

    On the other end of the spectrum, kids who have s*x too early (before age 16) also suffer these same problems, along with behavioral issues.

    The study found that people who began having s*x around the age of seventeen in mnogamous relationships remained the healthiest sexually and mentally.

  10. kids shouldnt be having s*x thats why there so many teen pregnancies(trust me im one of them). but every parent should know that every teen isnt going to say no to s*x. so if a teen decides they're ready to have s*x(hopefully they've already talked to their parents about it) then the parents should do whatever they can to make sure they have safe s*x.

  11. When they feel ready is my opinion, but define kids these days.

    ALSO all these people carrying on about "kids" under 18 having s*x surely you don't expect us to believe you were all little angles in you youth and never even saw the other s*x naked till you were married?? Yeah right. But if that is what you truely did do, congratulations, you are one of a very few.

  12. Oh come on.. I've just turned 17 and I am sexually active. It's a part of life s*x is s*x.. I don't believe in marriage though and I've only ever slept with my boyfriend of a year and a half. I don't see it as damaging at all and when u think about it how many of the people that just answered this question actually waited till over 18? Intimacy is a part of attraction and attraction and intimacy tend to lead to s*x..As long as the person isnt sleeping around I dont see it as a problem. It's their personal choice.

  13. kids are kids, they should not be doing adult things if they are not considered an adult--s*x is not something to be playing around with--it is for 2 people in love--kids do not know what love is

  14. when u cant call them kids anymore

  15. Once they are married should be the goal.

  16. When they are mature enough, and responsible enough to face the consequences of their actions... Even first timers can fall pregnant, or get someone pregnant, because the majority of them dont know how to use protection... I have 2 nieces, 1 of them is 19yrs old with 2 kids, and the other is 18yrs old, and just gave birth to her 3rd child not so long ago... Both live at home still, and dont have much of a life now...

  17. Kids never!  Adults may engage in intercourse when they are married.

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