
When should kids stop having naps? I have a 5 year old son and he seems to be big enough for naps..?

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When should kids stop having naps? I have a 5 year old son and he seems to be big enough for naps..?




  1. I think every child is different.  My first took daily naps until she was around 21/2 my second stoped daily when she was 18 months.  They still take naps when we have had an extremely busy day they are 4 and 2 1/2 now but for the most part they do not stop from the time they wake up aroud 8 am until they go to bed around 10pm.

  2. Both my kids stopped before 2 years old.

  3. maybe here and there when needed but he should be old enought now.  And if hes tired you jsut do a bit early to bed a few times

  4. It depends on the child. My oldest broke herself of naps around 3. My youngest took naps until she was 5 1/2 and started school. Every child is different even when it comes to their sleep needs.

  5. Some kids nap through kindergarten, but some drop the nap around 3.5 or 4.  However, if you have a little one that doesn't want to nap, I suggest having a quiet time to lay down in a darkened room and read or cuddle with a stuffed animal for 30 minutes.  At 5 it is fine to drop the nap/quiet time.

  6. Never.  Even adults benefit greatly from 10 to 20 minute naps.  I think at 5 it is important to put him down for at least 30 minutes around 1:00 to 3:00.  He doesn't have to sleep, but quiet time (reading, listening to music, etc.) will benefit him greatly.

  7. 3 years old is old enough.

  8. Never. Kids need naps to be healthy and in a good mood. Haha, most adults need naps too-- maybe that's why there are so many crabby people in the world.

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