
When should my 1 year old start walking???

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When should my 1 year old start walking???




  1. depends on what his/her development is like right now, cruising or not? taken his/her first steps or not?

    my son took his first steps by 11mths and was walking on his own at 14mths.

  2. Any time before 18 months is considered within the normal range.

  3. All children walk at different ages.  You have to be patient.  My son wlaked at 13 month {1st child}, and my daughter at 11 months.  My nephew, however, didn't walmk until he was 18 months.  They were concerened, but in the end he was just lazy.  Relax, 12 months is still early to be impatient.

  4. Some are just slow to start. (Me for example) If you get really worried, I suggest aking them to a family doctor and checking out their legs. (My parents did that too :P) Don't worry about it, they are just a slow starter.

  5. This is something no one can predict or know. But you will be pleased when he pulls himself up to a table or chair and stand up.

  6. when he feels like it.

  7. Children are all different. Some start walking as early as 6 or 7 months where others wait a while. It is when they get the confidence to let go and take that step.  My daughter didn't start walking until she was maybe 13 or 14 months old! She was cruising before that, (walking while clinging to things like chair-arms and coffee tables) but once she did start walking, she mastered it quickly and now finds it to be a most efficient means of getting from A to B (and boy is she a busy girl now!)

    You can help expediate the process by trying to coax him/her into walking while holding onto your hands (hold his/her hands and walk backwards and he/she'll move forward with you. Don't carry him/her around too much. He/she may just not be walking because he/she finds crawling or being carried to be more efficient. :)

  8. It depends with all the children. Some can start as early of 8 months and others, can go later. Mine started at 15½ months. I did everything for him to walk, practise all the time but he didn't want to. But as soon he got up, and wanted to walk, he did. So don't worry about it, it will come and as soon he's walking, you will wish he was still crawling...they move fast and everywhere!!

  9. Soon.  As long as he/she has hit all other developmental goals so far...I wouldn't worry about walking.  Once they learn's straight to running away from you when it's time for diaper changing, leaving the park, etc.  LOL!

    If your baby can roll over, sit up by herself, play peek-a-boo, and crawl on hands and knees, pull up on furniture (or you)....soon will he/she will be walking.

  10. Every Child is different. They say that children do it in there own time.

    My son was 13 months old when he started to walk

    Where as my Nephew was 18 months.

  11. well im only 11 but my aunt's son started walking when he was about 1 and a half years old. hes turning  2 in August  ^^

  12. I have learned that some kids are slower than others. my first daugther walked when she was about 10 months. My youngest daugther, however, is 17 months and just started walking less than a month ago.

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