
When should my belly piercing heal?

by  |  earlier

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I have m belly bottom piercing done about 4 weeks and it still hurt and some times it gets sealed stuck, and there like this white that always come out what should I do? I cleaned it with soap like they said and its still red and it hurts.




  1. -try mixing 1/8-1/4tsp. sea salt(not table salt!) with 1 cup of PURIFIED, NOT TAP water

    -heat it up in the microwave to as hot as you can stand

    -soak a clean wash cloth in the mixture

    -hold it on your piercing until the rag is cold(about 10-15 minutes).

    do this 3-5 per day. it should definitely get better.

    do not use peroxide, alcohol, or anti-bacterial soap; they are way too harsh-they kill bad germs as well as good(i.e. the ones that are helping to built the fistula, allowing it to heal), also, peroxide can actually burn or "eat away" the tissues around the piercing.

    if all that is coming out is white(or yellow), it is called plasma-it is a GOOD thing. but if it is greenish/brown than it is puss, and is not good. if this happens, still follow the above instructions and it will disappear!


  2. i have had mine about 6 months and it is just now fully healed

    just get some peroxide and put it on the end of a q-tip and rub it on both holes 3 times a day and it should heal

    hope i helped:)

  3. For 1 or more years, you will probably be hurting or the spot should still be tender and sensitive.

  4. They should have given you some type of cleaning solution. Regular soap can get built up in there and that is more than likely the white stuff you are seeing. Piercings take up to 6 weeks to heal where you can put in a new belly ring but the full piercing to where you can't feel it anymore can take up to a year and even more if your body does not handle piercings well. Give it a few more weeks and try to find actual piercing cleaner solution.

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