
When should my boyfriend ever let them over?

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my boyfriend's brother and girlfriend who dont have health insurance have both been diagnosed by the drs at the county hospital with some "uknown" bacterial infection that involves throwing up black vomit! well the girlfriend actually came to the hospital when our now month-old baby was born thank god she didnt touch her! It took awhile for his brother to get it from her finally. The "doctors' who dont know what it is say it is contacted mainly by saliva and physical contact but when if ever should I let them over? 3 months after theyre better or longer/ they are both on antibiotics for it but that doesnt mean its not contagious!

oh and my baby is now a month old.




  1. i read on another page that blak vomit is a sign of yellow-fever which is caused by a mosquito with the flavavirus bites a healthy human. i wouldnt let them newhere near your daughter till its gone i wouldnt take ne chances..

    theres another webpage down there

  2. Wait until the doctors say they are not contagious. Make them get a note. Or wait at least until your baby is 6 months old. (They are less susceptible to stuff then). Good luck!

  3. I wouldn't risk it until the doctors figure out what is wrong with them, better safe then sorry!  If her adult brother could get it then a little baby could get it really easily

  4. its up to you

    just make sure they dont kiss baby anywhere near her face...or maybe, anywhere at all...... id wait another month or two tho.... thats just me. (my son had "baby herpes" ...haha, but so not funny at the time, all in his mouth.... it was  due to the fact that someone kissed him when they were sick or getting over their sickness, so no more kissing from sick people.)

  5. Yeah I would wait until the "doctors" say its gone, and they are all better....But even after that I would still wait a few weeks after their cured to invite them over.  I dont understand how they dont know what it is.  Its not like black vomit is a common effect to something.  I have never even heard of that..... Your baby is till very young, and can still get sick very easy.


    I dont care, that is ur baby, and they should respect that, they should be asked to stay away until they are cured, ur baby is to small to fight anything off.

    remember that if ur baby gets sick they WONT be there for you!!

  7. When I was in the hospital the doctors told me not to let any one that was sick touch my baby.  I would just say they could come over but only if you want them to and just don't let them touch the baby.  Remember if the baby gets sick the baby could end up in the hospital or worse because they have a week amune system. When my month old caught the flue we were in the hospital for a week just for a day flue.    

  8. find out what the name of the infection is/was and research it  

  9. Until the doctor says they are cured

  10. You have got to think of your baby as number one. I they are not trying to ge this sorted out then make them wait till it is all cleared. We don't need health insurance in the uk but I have heard of it in the US and I see it as an insurance you cant miss out on like life insurance. People with out it are playing russian roulette with there health.

    Congrats on the baby by the way.

  11. I wouldn't let them come over until they're better! Babies are VERY susceptible to sickness. If your baby was to get it, it would be 1000x worse for him/her.

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