
When should my dog eat? & do his bussiness?

by Guest58767  |  earlier

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im getting a dog soon, and so im just doing some research.

i live in wisonsin, if that matters.

i just want to know whats the appropriate time for him to do his bussieness and what time is good for him to eat.

thank you for answering! :]




  1. Leave the food out, and then he can eat whenever he gets hungry. But then take him outiside to do his buisniess about 30-45 minutes after he eats.

  2. Dogs should be fed twice a day, in the AM and in the PM.  If you are potty training, your puppy should be taken out within 15-30 min after eating and about every hour to an hour and a half after that.  

  3. Two times a day, in the morning when you get up then in the evening. He should go to the bathroom within 30 minutes after eating and I let my grown dogs out every three to four hours, and before I go to bed for my house dogs.

  4. this all depends on how old this dog ur getting is.  If it's a pup then definitely more than two times a day - i took my pups out the very minute they wake up - sometimes it's too late even for that cuz when i wake up they might've been up for at least 30 minutes already.  everytime after they eat, after they drink, and just every hour or two in between.  If it's an older dog and house trained already then in the morning, in the noon time and at night - make sure both pup and adult dog alike go relieve themself before they go to bed - never leave food out for dogs - they learn that they can eat whenever they want - especially for puppies if u keep to a regular schedule you can pretty much predict when they need to p**p.  

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