
When should shrubs be trimmed?

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When should shrubs be trimmed?




  1. when they change shape and do not look nice huh like a haircut

  2. Impossible to be specific.Depends on variety,available space,growing conditions and many other factors.

  3. The trimming depends on the blooming.  Shrubs should be trimmed BEFORE any buds sprout.  Spring bloomers should be trimmed in late winter, summer bloomers in early spring, fall bloomers in mid-summer, etc.

    Check the plants' bloom time and go from there.

    A damaged plant, however, should be trimmed/pruned right away to prevent disease or further damage to the shrub.

  4. Best time for 99 % of ALL  trees, hedges, bushes is in the early fall if in climate zone 6-10, late summer if climate zones 3-5. If you want to prune evergreens like pine and spruce tree best time is late winter to early spring.

    Generally speaking,  spring is not good because that is when all are adding new growth (but light pruning is ok) Also, evergreens will have sap running by mid-spring.

    As a general rule; as long as you do not do any pruning just before OR during extreme cold or extreme heat (this adds a lot of stress to all trees bushes etc) you and your shurbs will be fine.

  5. All shrubs are different, some prefer pruning in autumn and others in spring. with all avoid any time when there may come a sharp frost as this will kill a newly cut branch.

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