
When should someone start on a high school Varsity team to get a scholarship?

by Guest59915  |  earlier

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I want to play water polo at USC, and want to know when I should be a starter on my high school varsity team(Villa Park(CIF champions) in order to get a scholarship




  1. You have to be good so start when yer a freshman or sophomore. If yer a good swimmer you can join at any time.

    Practice yer drills & swim like an animal. Have fun.

  2. High School varsity experience is only part of it.  While it is great to be a starter during your freshman year, I think the recruiting focus will be on your performance during your  junior and senior year. Personally I'd be more interested in your club experience and performance in major tournaments like JO's.  In addition to your experience, your size and speed will be important.  A lot of those factors could change throughout high school.  If you are really good and participating on a club team in California you'll have good opportunities to get noticed. The contacts of your high school and club coaches will be  key in getting recognized and recruited.  While USC is great, if you really want to play college water polo, don't rule out the other quality college programs in California.

  3. Whether you start or not is not up to you; it's up to the coach. If you're good enough, you'll start as a freshman. But if they're going to give you a scholarship, they probably won't start scouting you until you're a senior.

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